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Be Your Own Therapist— Opening Up by Writing it Down by James Pennebaker & Josh Smyth

Detailed Book Notes


Opening Up by Writing it Down by James Pennebaker

About Opening Up by Writing it Down

In Opening Up by Writing it Down, researcher James Pennebakerand Joshua Smyth discusses their research and other studies on the benefits and effects of journaling on people’s physical and mental health.

Ratings & Review

I use 2 criteria to rate every book:

  1. Content: the ideas in this book are interesting, edifying, and worth learning, and
  2. Craftsmanship: the work is polished, skillful, and well-written.

These ratings are out of a total possibility of 5:



Brief explanation of ratings:

  1. The content is interesting, particularly for writers and people who like to journal.
  2. Unfortunately, the book drags after the first few chapters. The author cites many experiments that aren’t very…



Sarah Cy
Be a Brilliant Writer

(aka The Scylighter). Writer, musician, reader, daughter. Join our Merry Band, become a Brilliant Writer, and dazzle your readers!