The 2 Immutable Laws of Relationship Success (For Men)

Be a HeroBoyfriend
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2015

So you’ve found a Homo sapien of the opposite sex that you find attractive and interested in you enough to actually want to “settle down” with. Congratulations and welcome to the hard part, keeping her interested… and more importantly, keeping YOU interested. It’s going to be a fun ride that may last days or decades, exciting (scary?) stuff.

Here’s what’s going to happen, and if you’re already deep down the rabbit hole I’m sure you’ll agree. There is going to be a stream of moments where her or you doubt the relationship and consider trading it in. Let’s call it an urge to follow a novel whim. This post is about how to minimise those moments for her. The sequel will be about you.

Before I start, it’s important to keep in mind that if a woman is showing you a satisfactory amount of interest up until this point then she probably wants to make the relationship work overall. Unlike you, her underlying life current is geared towards nesting not furiously procreating, this means she invests her energy much more selectively and consistently. This is the one advantage men have, it actually puts you in the “chooser” seat once she decides she‘s in for the ride. Internalise this fact, follow the two laws below and you’re halfway to some form of relationship victory.

People break up for one of two reasons, they either think they can do better or the other person thinks they can do better. There are obviously many and varied roads that can lead to this decision. It’s your job as a relationship “chooser” to minimise the other person thinking they can do better and controlling your belief that you can. In most cases, neither of you actually can and you’ll only realise this after the case while on your way to your mom’s house to cry.

Simple is good so I’ve broken down how to minimise her novelty alluring moments into two laws:

Law 1. Cultivate competition anxiety (in a respectful manner)

Basically you have to make sure she is aware that other women find you desirable and that you could (if you wanted to) find another with relative ease. Do the following and you’ll be right:

  • Look after yourself physically and mentally.
  • Focus on your own goals AKA show ambition of some kind.
  • Have hobbies that she doesn’t take part in, create space for her to miss you.
  • Have positive relationships and talk with other females and tell her about it in a non threatening way.
  • Never EVER show jealousy of any kind towards other men she interacts with. In fact wrap jealously up in a little box and throw it in the ocean, it’s your worst enemy.
  • Never give the impression you “need” her. Never say “love you more”, always maintain equal or lower desperation status (even if it’s true).
  • Never let her win if she is being unreasonable or is wrong, stand up for what you believe is right AT ALL COSTS.

Law 2. “Show” her you’re thoughtful.

In case you haven’t realised yet, women don’t really care what you say (or even what they say for that matter) they express how they feel through action, e.g. when she is slamming the door in your face while saying “everything is fine”. In order to make her feel like you care, then you too must express love through action. So, do the following:

  • Show physical enthusiasm when communicating with her.
  • Ask her questions and LISTEN.
  • Proactively plan fun and/or new things to do and actually follow through with them. Women hate leading, so lead.
  • Buy or obtain her thoughtful (not necessarily expensive) gifts regularly. This is much easier when you LISTEN to her and know what she wants.

If those last two points scare you then go download the HeroBoyfriend app, makes life a lot easier.

That’s it. Good luck.

