5 Integrations to Use with Zapier

john gillis
Be Awesome
Published in
3 min readApr 25, 2017

Middle men have never been this awesome, Zapier is here to seamlessly connect your Webconnex products to 100’s of others! We have a nifty integration coming out later this year so you can use a huge amount of products to “Zap” to. Zapier basically acts as a middle man. They take one product, and create a bridge to zap information from one program to a wide variety of others. While this explanation oversimplifies the complexities of what actually happens, the end result still feels that simple.

With our upcoming Zapier integration in mind, we thought we might list a few that we are most excited about.

Salesforce Zap

The Salesforce zap will help with getting data from a Webconnex product into Salesforce. Salesforce is an insanely complex platform with an almost limitless toolset for customization. The Salesforce zap allows important data like: names, emails, and more to be zapped from our product to theirs. Usually this would require a huge undertaking, but with Zapier this becomes a simple reality.

Mailchimp Zap

While Webconnex offers an incredible Communication Center to send out emails blasts, we know clients have a lot vested into the Mailchimp platform. We are proud of what we offer, but recognize the great things Mailchimp is doing for the e-mail marketing world. This zap will allow pivotal information from our system, like e-mails, to automatically be transferred into Mailchimp marketing lists to be prepared for sending.

Google Sheets Zap

Google, who doesn’t love them? One of their amazing offerings is the free and intuitive productivity suite. This includes Docs, Presentations, and Sheets. Many people enjoy housing the amazing data we let you export in a Google Sheet. We already offer an amazing memorized export feature that allows an Excel/CSV sheet to be sent to you AND your colleagues in an automated fashion. However, there are instances when advanced users want data to populate in a unique way, and in an asynchronous collaborative platform that Google provides. This zap will allow just that! It will bring data over to Google Sheets and populate it there automatically, taking one more step out of the equation.

Quickbooks Zap

Who doesn’t enjoy a little love given to our accountants out there? Quickbooks is a pivotal tool for anyone reconciling books, or just keeping good records. It is super easy to export our data and upload it manually into Quickbooks. With that said, we know some people love to have data pulled into Quickbooks in are more streamlined manner. The quickbook zap does just that. It will zap data from our end straight into Quickbooks through Zapier. Pretty nifty indeed.

Constant Contact Zap

Constant Contact and Mailchimp are similar in a lot of ways. Although, Constant Contact has compelling corporate level features which is appealing to a lot of users.This zap will work similarly to a Mailchimp zap, integrating e-mails and names in an automated process. This also proves a great feature of Zapier, in general. Most of the time integrations need to be chosen to go one way or the other, but not with Zapier. Feel free to use a zap to Constant Contact, Mailchimp, or both!

The efficiency and time saving is evident with what Zapier can get you when using Webconnex products. We are excited to introduce our integration later this year, and hope this helps give you a few ideas to whet your appetite with. You can sign up for an account with Zapier now and feel free to poke around over there. We’ll be announcing the official release of our Zapier integration soon. Until then, dream about zZapping away.

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