Maci Kauffman
Be Awesome
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2016


How to Keep Culture Alive with Remote Staff

In our high tech world, having remote staff members is beginning to become the norm. At our web software company Webconnex, we make up a team of sixteen individuals covering five US cities! We pride ourselves in having an invigorating company culture that cultivates a team atmosphere and inspiring work environment. So how do you maintain this culture when it is rare that you are all under the same roof at the same time?

With year-end festivities that get the whole group together for team bonding and celebrate the hard work each individual has contributed over the past twelve months!

This is just one of the many ways we promote our company culture with our remote team. We do this by participating in group activities that push many of us out of our comfort zone, only to experience something memorable and bring us closer as a team. We have found that our team always walks away with boosted excitement, sharing experiences with team members we may not have otherwise interacted with if we were cooped up in our separate work spaces.

Check out a video recap of our year-end festivities and how we maintain our company culture with our remote team members.

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Maci Kauffman
Be Awesome

Happiness Advocate and Blog Curator at Webconnex. I love reading, writing and making our customers succeed. Creativity is my passion and family is my love.