“The Little Book of Lykke” by Meik Wiking — “10 bullets-100 words” — Book Summary

Nishith Goyal
10 Bullets — 100 Words Book Summary
4 min readSep 29, 2019


“10 bullets-100 words” is an experiment to summarize my learning from a book which then entices my readers towards the book and is akin to a wholesome meal i.e. right ingredients, sound quality, and just the right quantity.

Book title — “The Little of Book of Lykke— The Danish Search for the World’s Happiest People”, Author — Meik Wiking

  1. Ideas and advice to follow Danish happiness.
  2. Lykke — Luuh-Kah = Happiness
  3. Determinants for Lykke = Togetherness, Money, Health, Freedom, Trust, and Kindness
  4. Togetherness — Your happiest moment? Were you alone?
  5. Money — Relationship status of money and happiness - “It’s complicated”.
  6. Health — Physical happiness: exercise daily. Mental happiness: be mindful.
  7. Freedom — Happiness is making choices you want, fulfilling dreams and having free time.
  8. Trust — Happiness = Trust and empathy.
  9. Kindness — Happiness for an hour - take nap, for a day - go fishing, for a year - inherit a fortune, for a lifetime - be kind.
  10. Lykke=Community living and gardening, biking, forest bathing, and buying experiences.

After reading this book, I started experiencing these six factors differently. Free time seems to be more important than being busy. I realize that sharing of knowledge and resources can bring more happiness. In spite of a number of problems, my daily run is the biggest source of my happiness. Money can bring happiness but there comes a saturation. Let’s have more trust, share more, read better, spend community time, bike to the office, eat healthily and stay healthy.

If the Danes can do it, why can’t we?

This book is a natural progression to the earlier book from Mike Wiking — The Little Book of Hygge.

The “10 bullets-100 words” for that book can be read through the below link.

100 words are as easy as it’s challenging to summarise a good book. There is so much which remains unsaid. Still, I realize, confining myself to 100 words will bring out more creativity and efforts.

And this is exactly what came about. Hope this structure entices you to pick up this book, learn a new thing or two and expand your outlook.

Some relevant snippets from the book.

Images by Nishith Goyal (Source: Book — The Little Book of Lykke— The Danish Search for the World’s Happiest People by Meik Wiking)

Thanks for reading.

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Nishith Goyal
10 Bullets — 100 Words Book Summary

Author of two books, Creator - Be Better Bit-By-Bit, Long-distance runner, diarist, Podcaster. Writes about Journaling, Self, and Positive Impact.