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Gratitude Tree

Emerson T
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2023


My gratitude is a tree full of endless blessings

It continues to grow

Never wavering under the load

And its thick roots anchor to the ground

When I lay on the grass and my eyes drift to the sky

There is nothing but gratefulness for the stars

spreading their light on those dark days

My feet are thankful to bury its toes in the sand

My hair enjoys the ocean breeze on a summer morning

My thoughts love to be swept away by the waves

leaving my mind in a bundle of thoughts

I thank the bees for their honey sweetens my tea

Without the warmth from the tea

my nights would be colder

Snowy days may bring chills

but there are blissful moments of beauty

for those days makes me stop and take a breather

Many thanks for each season

for taking me through colorful changes year round

There is no change without ups and downs

Each one bumper than the last

And some smooth enough to let me coast

with my eyes shut

Through all the loops and drops

it was strength that pushed me through

Much love to the memories

the good and bad ones

They are the fingerprints

Always leaving an imprint in the back of my mind

To replay when I need a smile

I’m thankful for music

for calming my nerves at their peak

The lyrics guided me down a smooth melody road

Ending at my Zen garden

To all the books I loved

and hated…

for allowing me to escape and get lost in the words

Lastly, I’m most grateful for my family and friends

For being the listening ears to my crazy ideas

The guinea pigs to my baking experiments

And the shoulders to cry and laugh on

Thank you

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Emerson T
Editor for

Writer. Addicted to fashion. Proud Pet Parent. A novice to yoga but addicted to fitness. To be continue…