Photo by Dagmara Dombrovska

It’s Time

Emerson T
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2024


Letting go is never easy. Actually, it’s harder than accepting change. Last year, wasn’t a hard year but it wasn’t easy either. There were a lot of things I let hold me back. When I realized I wasn’t progressing, change needed to happen. As I reflect on last year, here are a few things I’m leaving in 2023.

The Invisible Tape

For 2023, I had this excruciating tape that covered my mouth. It kept me at times from speaking up. The longer I let it stay on, the smaller my voice became. After a while, I started to think that no one wanted to hear what I had to say. I was even afraid to say the wrong thing. To keep the peace, I remained silent. I realize keeping quiet not only affected my personal life but my work environment. Now is the time to speak up for myself. I have a voice for a reason and I need to start using it.

Many Doubts and Regrets

Every doubt and regret I left back in 2023 and I refuse to look back. There were too many times I doubted myself, about my career paths or life choices. I realize that I’m supposed to be on the path I am now. No matter what path I was meant to take it was going to eventually lead me to this moment. I can’t keep having doubts and questioning if I made the right choice or thinking about the what-ifs. Those doubts and regrets have done nothing more than hinder me in my journey. If I keep letting the doubts and regrets get to me then I would never progress and be left where I began.

The Critic in the Mirror

There’s this annoying person who I used to see every day in the mirror. She sometimes smiled and other times would scold me. She constantly pointed out every imperfection and tells me I’m not enough. Her judgement will no longer hold me down. When I look in the mirror now, I tell her I am enough and my imperfections make me who I am.

The Past

I’m guilty of holding on to the past because it’s easier. I never noticed that holding my anger for past things was doing more damage to myself. It brought nothing but misery for me. I would cling to it like a leech. I can’t move forward if I remain in the past while everyone living their best life. Now when I think of the past, I only indulge in the good memories.

This is a new year. A fresh start to life. I can’t be scared of starting over again. I welcome 2024. No more tape silencing my voice. I push away the doubts and regrets to keep second-guessing myself. I kicked the critic out of my head because she can’t live rent-free anymore. I put the past to rest and say goodbye. I now know worth and I won’t let anyone or anything destroy it.

This year is the year for me. I embrace the change because I’m evolving. The challenges to beat the odds. The opportunities and adventures to tell stories. Most importantly, self-love to gain peace.

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Emerson T
Editor for

Writer. Addicted to fashion. Proud Pet Parent. A novice to yoga but addicted to fitness. To be continue…