It Takes Temerity

Temerity Capital Partners. A Brllnt case study.

Be Brllnt
3 min readOct 11, 2018


Temerity Capital Partners is a Washington, DC-based family office focused on building and investing in early-stage innovative businesses meeting the emerging needs of the financial services industry.

Temerity means audacity and a defiance for the usual constraints — a reflection of the investments they make and the cutting-edge companies they build. For the office’s brand and website, we translated temerity into confidence and clarity by using a polished, yet assertive, color palette, concise copy, and iconic, modern imagery.

Objective || Give form to a bold approach to investing that’s tempered by the heritage of a family office.

Role: Brand Design | Creative Direction | Website Design + Build
Deliverable: Brand & Website
Date: February to June 2018

July 2018 Results
2.48 Pages Per Session
38.44% Bounce Rate
2:01 Average Session Duration
1.32 Sessions Per User

Taking It To The Mountain Top

Brand Design
We honed in on Temerity as a word, a mission, and an investment style and recognized that it represented an upward trajectory of progress. We explored multiple representations of ascension and arrived ultimately at a highly stylized mountain range, crafted from parallel lines evocative of financial graphs. The lines snake upwards towards the top, conveying a determined yet methodical ascent.

We paired classic blue with gold to infuse the modern design with a traditional touch. For an elevated, in-person high touch point, we used actual gold ink on stationary and business cards. Bright teal makes a sparing yet surprising appearance on the website to add interest and highlight key points.

First Impressions

Website Design + Build
Temerity wanted a clean and modern website that rivaled venture capital peers while showing their unique position as a DC-centric firm. To evoke Washington without being cliche, we incorporated photography of renown bridges and buildings that were cropped in unexpected ways to compliment the shape and angles of the Temerity logo.

Knowing that it takes only seconds to make a lasting impression, we considered the key takeaways we wanted a user to experience and built the website to lead them there. On the main landing page, users are met with a strong headline that references Temerity’s brand value of hard work to confidently establish the brand voice and tone.

Following a short introduction, users are guided to see Temerity’s work and then finally to explore the team’s credentials and insights.

To keep the website uncluttered and fluid we sorted all investments into one page separated by a tabbed system.

We built the website with scalability in mind to accommodate future additions the team expressed an interest in making over a long period of time.

