Be Curious 

Week 3

Ocutag Snap
Ocutag Snap Collection
2 min readApr 4, 2014


It’s that day of the week where we talk about some of the most interesting things we learned in the pas one week! This week was particularly exciting in that way. We found out tons of interesting things starting from learning the fact that there are indeed immortal animals to one of the greatest urban myths of all time! So without wasting any moment, let’s check out each of these facts:

The Great Wall of China can be seen from the moon: This is one of the greatest myths of all time. None of the Apollo I astronauts ever mentioned it and neither has any other astronaut. It can only be captured in radar images from earth orbiting satellites. The myth got created due to a popular writing by Halliburton an adventure writer who had nothing to do with astronomy.

Einstein never failed at maths: No one really knows how this myth also came about but this is hugely popular. Einstein has always been portrayed as a wonder child who was dumb(some even say autistic) in the childhood and then became a genius. The truth is he had mastered differential calculus by the time he had reached his 7th standard. He himself had refuted this entire myth in an interview!

Nothing can be immortal: We have been taught since childhood that whatever is born has to die but there are indeed things that never die. Turritopsis nutricula is a variety of JellyFish which never dies. Whenever it reproduces it just goes through a major change that makes it become young and so the same animal keeps going through the cycle of being old and then getting young immediately after. You can read all about it here!

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Ocutag Snap Collection

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