What is Dreaming?

Andrew Venezia
Be Dreaming
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2016

Everything in your life is a reflection of your Dreaming.

Events, objects, patterns, people, desires, possibilities, emotions, thoughts, feelings and sensations, pain and frustration, laughter and tears. The systems you interact and participate with. The difficulties in your life and the crises on the planet.

You, including your deepest sense of self and the superficial, the inside and the outside, are an Unconditionally Creative Being — a unique reflection, a unique node, a unique mode or unique vibration — of Unconditionally Creative Being.

Everything in your life is the reflection of this Creative Activity.

‘Dreaming’ means the entirety of this activity, as well as your unique expression of it. Your Dreaming is where Unconditioned, Creative Reality intersects with Manifest Reality, the world that we experience. At this intersection, we all have a certain Root-Pattern: a way in which we condition Reality, and out of which our lives appear. From the view of the personal, this Root-Pattern appears to be the ways in which you are not free to express Creativity. From the View of Dreaming, even the places we feel most stuck and most trapped in our worldly lives are an expression of the freedom of your Creative being.

As we Dream, as we engage purposefully with our Dreaming, the Root-Pattern becomes more and more transparent. Dreaming is the ownership of your participatory engagement as the world, and the degree of ownership of your participatory engagement as the world.

When we Dream intentionally together, we enter the View of Life as Being Unconditionally Creative. Everything is included, everything is relevant. We relax our identity/ies into the Activity of Creativity, of moment-to-moment newness, as the world of our experience arises and passes away.

We assume the View of already being open, vibrant Creativity, and welcome experience as this View.
In this space of open possibility, we are not turned away from Life as it appears moment-to-moment — we are rather orienting to life as it is and appears anchored in open possibility.

This is not a metaphysical claim; it is an elaborate set of metaphors, pointing to experience. One way of pointing to Dreaming is to find out where metaphysics are hidden and unacknowledged. These will create patterns of expression in life that lead back to these metaphysical assumptions. Another way of saying this: I am not attempting to present a framework to encapsulate reality; I am presenting a few potential ways of looking at Life, and at your life, as a way of liberating patterns that you feel trapped by.

And of course, there is an experience that I call “Dreaming.” A state, personal or interpersonal, that has several different qualities that I’ve observed, and orienting from these qualities helps to strengthen Dreaming as well. Chief is a sense of Openness, and Curiosity, with a feeling of Lucidity and Power. Gratitude, Wonder, Excitement and Play. Wholeness, Aliveness, Celebration, Freedom and Expansiveness. Pleasure, Nourishment, Peace and a feeling of Being Home. Attraction, Magnetism, and Passion. I name this last not because it’s not important — really, it’s central, but to confuse the state experience of Dreaming can make us chase the experience, rather than taking the View: all of this, even if it doesn’t feel good, is Dreaming.

If you’re interested in exploring and experiencing this, you can sign up for a session here — (sessions last two hours.) [If you haven’t had one already, it’s free!]

This is part of a larger hyper-article on Dreaming. Read on with Dreaming and View.

