Do Something About It

Be Fierce Men’s Ministry
Be Fierce - Men's Ministry
5 min readDec 22, 2017

By: Myles Alexander

This time of the year has a tendency to bring out the best and unfortunately, the worst in people. On one hand you have so much to be thankful for: your family, friends, the gifts you receive, the wonder winter magic of snow, the kind words you receive from strangers and the fact that our Savior was born thousands of years ago in a lowly manger. Then, on the contrary there is so much for us to be ungrateful for: your family (for some of us) — come on, be honest (LOL) — our lack, the stress, the financial burden, so on and so forth.

I remember this all too well. I was in high school and around my house, at that time, Christmas wasn’t a high priority on our list of holidays. It was just my mom, my sister and I. I distinctly remember not being super excited for the holiday season, which was weird because I am usually excited for Christmas, as I enjoy it very much. I remember being in my room one night after an evening church service and as I laid there on my bed I began to cry. I was in such a horrible mood; I was the grinch and old, crotchety Ebenezer Scrooge all wrapped into one unpleasant package. While I laid there, tears running down my face I began to complain to God and say “This is STUPID! I hate this time of the year, we don’t have a tree, there isn’t one decoration up in my house, everyone is all happy and giddy for the gifts they are going to receive but all I’m going to get is the usual $100 my mom gives me (this was preferred by the way, I’m not a huge “gifts” guy). Why did you put me in this family, God? Why can’t there be a responsible man in my life? I bet if my dad was around there would be lots of Christmas cheer!

At that moment, I felt the Lord speak to me, not in an audible voice but in a deep way that was undeniably Him. The words He spoke to me became a lesson I would never forget. In a way only He can say to me, He said “Myles, If you don’t like it, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

He didn’t yell, there wasn’t any anger or frustration in His voice, but the way I perceived this statement was nothing short of empowering! I then felt Him say, “You’re a man now Myles, you’re just as capable as anyone else to put a tree up, to place decorations on the walls, to fill this home with holiday cheer. No one else needs to be present to change the atmosphere in your home.” Upon hearing these words and truly receiving them, I stopped crying and my attitude changed very quickly — as you could imagine!

I woke up the next morning with a different perspective on the holiday season. First and foremost, this season is about nothing else outside of Jesus. Our society and traditions may try to tell us otherwise, but we have to remember that this is always, only about Jesus. Always has been and always will be. And secondly, I have no right to complain and pout about something I’m unwilling to change. Then I had a choice to make, either change things into what I wanted them to be or to be happy for what it was. I chose the latter. Instead of looking at the lack, I began to look at how well we actually had it. In all sincerity, it was truly amazing and we were unbelievably blessed.

The lesson I learned that Christmas season circa 2009 wasn’t just about Christmas, it was about life. We as men are tasked with the responsibility to lead. And something we must remember is we have everything we need to lead in the life He has called us to.

“By his divine power, GOD HAS GIVEN US EVERYTHING WE NEED FOR LIVING A GODLY LIFE. We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the One who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence. And because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that ENABLE you to share HIS DIVINE NATURE and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.”

2 Peter 1:3-4 NLT (emphasis added)

As you go throughout the rest of this Christmas season and even into next year, remember that you are in control! You can do it! Whatever it is, big or small. No matter how insurmountable the odds, God has enabled you to complete and accomplish the task at hand.

If you find yourself in a situation where you don’t like the tone in which your family members talk to each other around the dinner table, do something about it. If you find yourself crippled by the debt mounting up as you purchase gifts, do something about it. If you find yourself in a serious bout of holiday depression, do something about it.

Because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world and you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus!

Be blessed this Christmas and New Year season and live the victorious life Christ has called all of us sons to!

Much Love,
Myles Alexander

Myles, along with his wife, Sarah.

Myles Alexander is a 27 year old husband, barber and lover of people from Springfield, Illinois. He is currently the Youth Pastor at Destiny Church, also in Springfield, IL. Myles is a huge football fan and loves to cheer on his beloved Baltimore Ravens or any Big Ten team except the Buckeyes.

