Unfortunately, Fortunately

Jesse Weedman
Be Fierce - Men's Ministry
5 min readSep 12, 2018

By: Michael Shearer

Hello, My name is Michael Shearer, Jr. I love my God who has been much more than good to me. I love my beautiful wife of thirteen years. I love my three amazing boys. I love my country that I am grateful to have been born in and I love my church that I am so profoundly blessed to have been a part of for the last 6 years of my life. Yes, it would be true that I began this ensemble by saying these things because they sounded good. I also say these things because they are true. I say these things because they have so vitality shaped my life, leaving a deep imprint and I pray they continue to do so. But most importantly, I believe I say these things to remind myself of these things.

I often have reflections that bring me joy. I love to smile and think about things that make me laugh. I try to be the bearer of peace and happiness. Unfortunately, this is not one of those times. But fortunately, encouragement can come from the reflection of this honest ponder.

Referring to a regretful situation, I recently heard someone say, “I wish I knew then, what I know now.” Now I have heard that very same phrase said many times over and over again. But for some reason, on that day, it hit me a little differently. Have you ever thought the contrary? I began to ponder that phrase and the more I thought about it, I realized there are a lot of things I know now, that I wish I never knew.

Yeah, I get it, many might say that the more I’ve lived, seen, done, “been around the block”, I can and I should learn from each experience. Unfortunately, for a significant part of my life, I didn’t learned the lessons I should have learned. Unfortunately, there have been long-lasting ramifications from many of the poor decisions that I have made. “If it doesn’t kill you, it will make you stronger” some say. No! I think that’s wrong. If it doesn’t kill you, you’ll just live. We will live with the good and we will live with the bad. We will live today with the results of our choices from yesterday and others will live tomorrow with the results of the choices we make today. Fortunately, we control our actions of today. Fortunately, we control our tomorrow.

The concept of manhood is under attack like never before. We can witness this on just about any TV show. We can see this in many of our schools. We can see this all throughout our society. Men are under attack because we have allowed something to happen. We have allowed something to fester and grow. Something is nearly out of control. We have sat and watched when the world needed us to stand strong, forcefully advance and speak out. I am just as much to blame. I chose passivity when I should have attacked. I allowed something because it spared me from the wounds of my battle. Unfortunately, I was unknowingly losing the war. That something I speak of is selfishness.

Unfortunately, this seemingly innocent and easily justifiable thing which may have helped keep me alive as a child was left uncontrolled and allowed to grow, blossoming into something dangerous. During my childhood, selfishness told me that I needed to find ways to ‘get mine’ as people would never understand me or give me the opportunities I deserved. Selfishness told me lying and stealing we’re okay because my skin disadvantaged me. During my teenage years selfishness told me that women were created to please me. If it felt good, it was okay. If I looked at pictures or videos of them doing inappropriate things I wasn’t hurting anyone. Selfishness said it it wouldn’t affect me if I didn’t physically do the act and I just enjoyed watching others in their perversion. After losing my parents at too early of an age, selfishness caused me to question what I knew to be true. It tried to tell me that I should should start living life for myself. That no one should be trusted. That I was the only one that really mattered.

Unfortunately, I have made many mistakes. Unfortunately, things don’t usually go the way I planned or expected them to go and I make emotional decisions. I am caught off guard. I am weak. Unfortunately, I have thought about, and chosen to view things I may never forget. Unfortunately, at times I shame myself. Unfortunately, my first reaction isn’t always to reach out to a brother as there is great, exponent wisdom in council. Unfortunately, my selfishness looks for opportunities to feed itself, everyday.

But fortunately, I’ve never known the sadness of an empty treasure chest of God’s goodness. Fortunately, I’ve never known the feeling of loss from a lack of intimacy with my creator.

Fortunately, I will no longer allow selfishness to go unchecked and allow it to destroy my life, my marriage, my family, my effectiveness, my purpose, and my legacy.

Fortunately, there is a brotherhood that is addressing and confronting real issues that any man can chose to be a part of. Fortunately, real men are not observing and standing idle while the significance of men in our current culture is being attacked. Fortunately, there is nothing new under the sun and there is a way to victory. There is help. There is redemption. There is freedom. There is peace. None of us are alone, unless we purposely choose to be. Fortunately, all the good decisions I have made, matter. Fortunately, I have chosen and I choose today, to serve a good, oh so good God. Fortunately, I am building up treasures in heaven. Fortunately, I have the freedom to choose and I carefully, with mindful intent, choose this day, whom I will serve. Fortunately, I am in control of my destiny. Fortunately, I am reminded as I begin this day and fortunately, I chose to remind myself again, tomorrow.

What will you chose to remind yourself?


Michael grew up in Western NY. He later attended Bible School in Springfield, MO majoring in Music and Bible. He would later travel as a professional musician for 6 years until continuing his ministry as a music pastor for 3 years. He now resides in Kansas City with his wife, Jessica and 3 boys. He serves on the worship and children’s ministries teams at World Revival Church.

