Life is Difficult — Accept and Experience Peace

Shawna Thibodeau
Be Free 
2 min readNov 26, 2013


This past week at my meditation class we were discussing suffering and negative thoughts.

My teacher was explaining that often, we get caught up in how difficult our own lives are which in fact, creates more suffering for ourselves.

During the night she said one sentence that really stuck with me.

“Everyone’s life is difficult. Life is difficult.” — Michelle MacIntosh

She further explained that you never know what’s going on in another person’s life therefore, it’s pointless to complain about the perceived difficulty of your own life.

When we have negative thoughts about how difficult our day is going to be, how we don’t want to have to do this, don’t want to do that, don’t have enough money, not pretty enough…we’re counter-productively creating more pain and suffering in our life because we’re choosing non-acceptance.

Things we complain about in our life that we do not have much control over, we may simply need to practice accepting.

If you don’t have control over a situation, what is the purpose of putting your efforts, thoughts and time into ruminating over the “shitty-ness” of it?

If you do have some control over the situation, what efforts can you put forth into changing that situation for yourself?

Life will always involve difficulty and challenges — that is the way of life. If one can accept this concept, the struggles of life can be approached in a more balanced and peaceful way.

Be one with the difficulties of life.



“The reason why such acute suffering occurs is concealed in the words “my.” It’s time to quit taking ourselves quite so seriously. Let’s witness our reactions to things, develop the ability to see ourselves as an actor in this game of life and loosen our grip on all things “my.” — Eckhart Tolle



Shawna Thibodeau
Be Free 

Founder of Be Free by Shawna Thibodeau. Helping others optimize mental health and well-being.