Hello! Coming Soon — Some Positive Inspiration Near You

From a “real” not “fake” perspective one day at a time

Julie US Writer
Be Happy Still
2 min readMay 9, 2021


A few people including Buddha have been attributed to the quote “Happiness is a journey not a destination. “

I can’t recall who the original author of this quote is, but I believe it. A person can struggle with depression but still be overall happy — or at least content — with their lives.

My Research on Happiness

I’ll go back and update that later. I did research on motivational speakers who struggle with depression. I’ve also known for a long time that part of the reason those speakers set out to motivate others is because they’ve been there. They’ve dealt with depression. They know what it’s like. Depression doesn’t discriminate against race, religion, sexual orientation or any socioeconomic status.

Anyway, I will provide more inspiring posts for you later on what I have learned about true happiness. It’s not likely to be what you think or based on the criteria you imagine happiness being decided.

Come back now, you hear?

I think the heading of this section is from a movie or show from about five years before I was born, and I’m 47, so that’s old-school. I’ll find out later who said it. I’m hoping you’ll return to this publication to see more updates. Please follow “Be Happy Still” here on Medium.

Update: The original quote is actually “Y’all come back now ya hear?”

It’s from Beverly Hillbillies, a show I actually thought was annoying as a child. I only sat through it to get to the next show that was on after it. I think the one following it was Buck Rogers or something.

I was about right on the timeline. Within about five years before I was born, it was mid-production. It ran from 1962–1971. And, oh my! I didn’t even know they made a 1993 movie of this show with the same title. That’s gotta be a hoot for sure. LOL



Julie US Writer
Be Happy Still

Julie's face has changed over the years, but her mission is still the same.