10 things I know about being happy

Cynthia Koo
Chasing Magic
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2014


1—I know that happiness is a choice.

2—I know that I’m responsible for it.

3—I know that 50% of it is predetermined by genetics but I also know there are few worthier pursuits than that of the other 50%, because all manners of goodness—compassion, kindness, charity, grace—stem from happiness.

4—I know that being successful does not mean being happy.

5—But being happy does tend to mean being successful.

6—I know that you make subtly different choices when you optimize around one versus around the other.

7—I know that happiness is made up of other people.

8—Because I know it comes from feeling valued, seen, loved.

9—As such, I know that there’s always something to be happy about. Even in the midst of anger or grief or heartbreak. Namely, that there’s someone or something you care enough about to be moved to tears and heartache.

10—Lastly, I know that I deserve it. In the way that we all deserve it. ☺

Part 4 of a series on life hacks: being happy. It felt strange to prescribe rules for being happy—it’s so personal—so I took a different approach for this post. See part 1 on being more productive, part 2 on being more focused and disciplined, and part 3 on being healthier.



Cynthia Koo
Chasing Magic

Designer, entrepreneur, obsessive list maker. Chief Dimsum Eater at Wonton In A Million