Hyper Diary: Lean Learning Spiral

Patrick Oberstadt
Be Hyper — BSSA Crew 2
2 min readJun 3, 2016

In our last module, called Business Strategy, we found a new way to interpret our learning process. We have been ideating, iterating and killing our darlings. It is interesting to see that the famous Lean Startup method of building your startup is actually really similar to the learning spiral we were taught at the beginning of Hyper Island.

The learning spiral consists of four elements: Do, Reflect, Generalize and Apply.

The Lean Startup method consists of three elements: Build, Measure and Learn.

Both processes show an iterating process, but are different in terms of how the learning comes about. The learning spiral shows an internal process, I do something and I reflect on how that went, by myself. The Lean Startup method shows a process of doing and then reflect on what was done by validating your ideas with help from others. With help from others I mean by interviewing and prototyping consumers for example.

Even Though these are pretty straight-forward and logical models, they reveal a recurring theme that signifies the Experience Design course at Hyper Island: Just start building and test whatever you build, so you can perfect it later. Don’t think too much in advance on how to develop the perfect product. And if you think you already have the perfect product, you don’t. But by using both these models in your work, you will not only develop better ideas and products, but you will also learn more about yourself and what works best for you.



Patrick Oberstadt
Be Hyper — BSSA Crew 2

Consumer Psychologist at Crobox & Experience Designer at Victor