5 Sure Fire Ways To Get Rid Of Your Wife

This works for husbands too

Shannon Vaughn


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

From dating coaches to randoms on Twitter, the benefit of marriage is pondered by men.

Statistics of high divorce rates, child and alimony amounts, have men asking what the point of marriage really is when your financial life can be left in ruins.

We’re not gonna talk about the men who “get the cow for free”. They really don’t see a reason to settle down.

I can’t say that I disagree with men’s concerns. Despite them being valid I’m here to say marriage if done right, is beneficial to all.

I don’t have the answers to a healthy marriage. (Mine failed.) But, I sure have some ways to an unhealthy one.

The five that will be discussed today (but not limited to) are:






Disclaimer: For the sake of privacy names have been changed

An associate of mine, who I once worked with named John, entered into a relationship still legally married but separated from his first wife. She was about ten years younger, divorced, with four children. Having been “single” for some time, his schedule was set. Work all…

