7 Solid Life Lessons You Can Only Learn From A Breakup

There is truth in the adage that every cloud has a silver lining



Photo by Allan Dias on Unsplash

“Don’t let someone who isn’t worth your love make you forget how much you are worth.” — Elizabeth Karls

Breakups are tough. No matter how amicable they may be, they always leave a mark. It can be hard to see the good that can come out of a situation that feels so bad in the moment.

Rachel and Alfred loved each other deeply. They were always together, finishing each other’s sentences and sharing the same inside jokes. It seemed like nothing could come between them.

But then, one fateful day, they had a huge argument.

It was over something small, but it quickly escalated. Before they knew it, they were yelling and saying horrible things to each other. They both said things they couldn’t take back, and in the end, they broke up.

It was a painful experience for both of them, but especially for Rachel.

She always thought they would be together forever. Now she was left feeling lost and confused. She didn’t know how to move on from the love of her life.




I write about love, life, relationships, and dating. I've been in love before, had my heart broken, picked up the pieces and now found true love. Let's connect!