How Do You Recognize When It’s Love vs Lust and/or Obsession?

It doesn’t have to bowl you over, but it also doesn’t have to hurt

Lori Welch Brown


Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

If I were to Monday morning quarterback my dating life, I’d refer to myself as an emotional cutter and say I had horrible taste in men. Or, horrible men had taste in me.

I say “po-tate-o,” you say, “pa-tat-oh”.

I chose poorly and wasted a lot, I mean A LOT, of time with men who didn’t deserve my tears and/or attention. I frequently mistook lust for love and ‘chemistry’ for a lethal mixture of lust with a tinge of obsession — not in a creepy, stalking kinda way, but in an unhealthy, putting my life on hold whilst pondering their every move and breath, dissecting their every word spoken, every hidden meaning behind obscure message.

“What do you think he really meant by that?”

Umm — pretty much what he fucking said. As my husband once explained to me, “Men are simple creatures.” When a man tells you something, don’t try to read anything into it and/or overanalyze it.

Shit — that intel would have been handy about 20 years ago.

I don’t mean to burst any bubbles here, but when I met my now husband, there weren’t any fireworks, shaking knees, or quivering livers. But, there also wasn’t…



Lori Welch Brown

Writer, artist, coffee guzzler. Cats and dogs. Editor at The Virago. Freelance editor & writer for hire.