How to Detect Someone Who Love Bombs

How does it work, and who is love bombing

Jennifer Pitts


By macniak BAFQkVPa0OE

"I can't wait for you to meet my mom."

"You're like a drug, and I can't get enough of you."

"I love you too."

These are a few examples of what I would hear when dating someone new.

My body would tingle with excitement, making me believe that perhaps I had met the one.

Only for the connection to burn out so quickly, leaving me disappointed and confused.

It wasn't until I started love bombing my dates right back that I gained a new perspective on the kind of men I was attracting and what I was willing to put up with.

After a few months, I realized how dangerous love bombing could become if you're unaware of it and how it can negatively affect your mental health if you're not careful when dating.

Love bombing

According to the Urban Dictionary, love bombing is showering someone affectionately through flirtation, gifts, and words of affirmation.

Although these are common practices in the dating scene or relationships, the difference is when the person who is love bombing begins to use this display of affection as a tool to manipulate you.

