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Living Dangerously

Take My Breath — a catchy up-beat tune, but does it glamorise breath play?

✍ Posy Churchgate
Published in
5 min readSep 14, 2021


Take my Breath by The Weekend has a catchy tune and the sound is upbeat. It’s clearly about a relationship which I’m guessing is quite a new one. Why? Because she has a kink that he isn’t fully on board with. CW: discusses erotic asphyixiation.

The guy in the song is happy to indulge his girl’s fantasy. He’s aware of her desire to ‘live on the edge’ but he raises concerns when at the height of passion Baby says “take my breath away…” and is willing to “risk it all to feel alive.”

He is not sure he wants their love play to take this direction, doesn’t want the responsibility - and who can blame him? What if it goes wrong? He might press against Baby’s airway too hard or for too long. She’ll need it at a point when he’s lost in his own vortex of pleasure and sensation — he could miss her physical cues and deprive her of oxygen for too long.

This song is about breath play. As prettily wrapped up as it is — the lyrics are about a serious kink which, done badly, can cause brain damage or even kill.

I’m not a prude - as a sex blogger it’s very important not to ‘yuck somebody else’s yum.’ I hadn’t known much about voluntary asphyxiation until I delved into the more extreme erotica and chatted…



✍ Posy Churchgate

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