One man’s reason for never desiring marriage

The answer may surprise you

Shannon Vaughn


Photo by Daniel Herron on Unsplash

More and more the echoes of how marriage doesn't benefit men become louder and louder. Some are from men who have tried it. Others who have not. At any rate, I think it’s something every man should try at least once.

For men who would marry, there’s men who would not. There’s always a few out the bunch who see it as a detriment to their life’s goals.

A long term associate of mine is one.

We met around 2007 or so, not long after I’d become employed by my city’s transit agency. We’d chit chat here and there. Later on he’d train me for a license needed to apply for a better position. By this time we’d become pretty cool, having more in depth conversations.

One noticeable thing about him was ambition. Despite him being significantly older than me, it seemed he was always ambitious since his youth. To date he owned and operated the family farm, purchased and rented out several rental properties, and planted a garden annually all while working full time plus overtime whenever he could.

He didn't believe in debt so he stayed in the family home he was raised in that was paid for. All his rental properties were purchased with cash through auctions. Any repairs and work needed to bring the properties to…

