Why You Should Know Your Erotic Blueprint

It can change everything you thought you knew about sex

Jennifer Pitts


By Andrew Poplavsky BADZ-X63aQ0

Being single for some time has taught me a lot when it comes to my sexuality. With coming up over a year, I've hit a dry spell, and I'm not quite sure why, especially since it is one of my favourite adult pleasures.

Having two lockdowns from Covid-19 hasn't helped. A minor car accident and a health issue have kept my sexual quest at bay.

What can you do if you have hit a dry spell?

Working on yourself through self-reflection is the obvious answer, which I continue to do, but it is becoming dull. Until I came across the Netflix show "Sex, love and the Goop" starring Gwyneth Paltrow, I remember her getting some slack a few years ago about another wellness show she hosted called "The Goop Lab." but the title intrigued me, so I gave it ago.

As I watched the first couple of episodes, I was hooked, not only that I was emotional and tearing up. The brave couples that put their sex lives on display for the world to see were touching, and the practitioners that guided them back to their sexuality were astounding.

“They didn’t teach us this kind of stuff in school.” I thought to myself.

