10 Ways to Become a Better Nigerian Beyond the Myths

Enough wishing: it’s time to be what you want to see. Join the train.

Fikayo Moronkola
Be Nigerian


“You can be the change you want to see. It all starts with you”. -Fikayo

The word ‘Nigeria’ has become more than a country. In today’s World, the word Nigeria is a person.

A person portrayed in an image replicated in many minds, especially those in foreign countries. The black, poor, unkempt, mischievous person we all tend to associate Nigerians with.

It was okay for those in foreign countries to see Nigerians that way. We all have viewed a person in a disliked manner before we got to meet that person one-on-one. But the nation’s citizens become people of lost identity.

The citizens no longer find any value in their culture, the nation’s pride is fading fast, and there seems to be no hope.

Everyone wants a change; all we hear is “The Nigeria of my dreams.”

“Many fail to realize that their dreams would not be a reality if actions are not taken” -Fikayo.

The dreams we see, the Nigeria we see, are not enough to debunk the myths that have caused a nation to lose its identity.

It’s time to take action!

A nation cannot change daily, but little changes make a difference. We all want a better Nigeria, but the change begins with each individual.

There is no nation without people, no great nation without great people. Hence, there would be no better Nigeria without better citizens.

10 Ways to Become a Better Citizen of Nigeria Beyond the Myths includes:

1. It starts with changing your perspective.

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How we see things influences what we say about them. Think about it and reflect deeply on it.

How do I see my nation?

2. Place value

Photo by Jimmy Chan on Pexels

You place utmost care to the things that are most precious to you.

Let Nigeria be a thing of value for you. Take care of it.

We would not casually throw dirt on the roads if we wanted a clean Nigeria.

3. Love your nation and the citizens

Photo by Samuel Peter on Pexels

The nation is a community full of people. How we treat people goes a long way. One show of care to another citizen can brighten up that person’s day.

Imagine if we all encouraged one another in love daily; how would we feel walking past the street of happy faces?

4. Create solutions to the problem

Photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels

Complaining about problems cannot change anything; it only increases sadness and anger.

We need to stop complaining and start creating solutions to the problems we are surrounded by.

5. Be a positive person

Photo by Binti Malu on Pexels

A positive person is not just someone who smiles.

In this case, a positive Nigerian would do that, contributing significantly to the image of his/her country and not decreasing it.

6. Place effort in all you do

Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels

Little habits did consistently form a lifestyle. Little pieces of broken glass can injure one when in contact with it.

It might seem minor but if it is with a positive reason, it would make a whole difference.

7. Be a good representative

Photo by Tope A. Asokere on Pexel

It might feel like no one watches, but one person’s behavior, good or bad, can influence how the World views us.

If 90% of Nigerians make an outstanding mark in whatever country they are in, the black myth mentality wall would be broken to pieces.

8. Strive to contribute daily to your nation

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

No positive contribution is too small. Abraham Lincoln led his country to the Civil War and successfully abolished slavery. Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa.


His voice made a difference!

It’s time to reflect- What do I say about my nation?

9. Destroy the selfish attitude

Photo by Fauxal on Pexel

When it’s all about what I want, we tend not to see the needs of others.

It’s time to put aside selfishness and come together as a community to create a mark of positive history.

10. Be the Change

Photo by Henri Mathieu-Saint-Laurent on Pexels

You might think people don’t see what you do, but if it’s towards a vision to make a change in a good way, they will see your value, and you will be recognized in no time.

People will remember you when you come out of the hidden.

It would be your time to shine!

There can be 20 ways to tell a man how to live, but if no actions are made, it all falls to the ground.

No change would happen if we did nothing about it!

The Nigeria of our dreams all begins with a step made by each individual.

A positive step a day would lead us through doors that close wrong myths to open doors of a better Nigeria.

What step are you willing to take today?

Whether you are Nigerian, Canadian, American… Whatever country we are from, we must stop conforming to destructive myths about our nation.

It’s time to stop dreaming about the nation we desire and start taking action to realize the dream.

We can make the dream come alive and become the actors and actresses we see in our dreams.

It’s time to take steps because,


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Fikayo Moronkola
Be Nigerian

Architect|| Writer|| Philanthropist- I write to motivate, share my architectural journey with you and I hope to make people believe in themselves. Smile Always!