10 Things My Younger Self Should’ve Known: Embracing Fear, Failure, and Self-Discovery.

Serene Wanderlust
Be Open
Published in
5 min readJul 11, 2023
Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

Ah, the things I wish I could have told my younger self! Buckle up, folks, because we’re about to dive into some valuable life lessons that would have saved me some serious headaches. So, grab a cup of coffee and get ready for a journey through time.

1. “Speak up, buttercup!”

As a kid, I was terrified of public speaking. Presentations? Exposes? No, thank you! I thought some people were born with the gift, while I was left in the dust. But boy, was I wrong! It turns out, you can learn anything. And that’s exactly what I did. Moving to a foreign country and tackling a new language was already a challenge, so having a successful career in London seemed impossible. But hey, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone, started vlogging while traveling, and saw a whole new world open up. Now, I speak my mind confidently in meetings, and the words flow like magic.

2. “Flying solo is the way to go!”

I used to be afraid of doing things alone. Maybe it was because I grew up with a bunch of siblings, and privacy was a luxury I never had. But let me tell you, waiting around for other people to be available is a recipe for disappointment. So, I mustered up the courage and embraced the joy of solo adventures. And you know what? It’s liberating! Whether it’s exploring new cities, trying out new hobbies, or simply enjoying my own company, I’ve learned to be my own best friend.

3. “Failing is not the end of the world, my friend.”

Starting something new can be downright scary. The fear of failure can grip you tight and paralyze your dreams. But here’s the truth: failing is a natural part of the journey. Trust me, every time I set out to pursue a new passion, there was always someone ready to rain on my parade. They’d tell me my ideas were rubbish or criticize my efforts. But you know what? Their negativity only fueled my determination. Failure is a sign that you’re taking risks and pushing boundaries. So, keep going, even when it gets tough. Success will find its way to you in due time.

4. “Support can come from unexpected places.”

Here’s a hard truth: not everyone will support your dreams and ambitions. As I made decisions for my career, moved abroad, and ventured into different business ventures, I encountered naysayers left and right. They’d tell tales of friends-of-friends who failed miserably in similar endeavors. But here’s the secret sauce: believe in yourself and don’t give up. Even if things don’t go as planned, it’s never a waste of time. Every experience teaches you valuable lessons that you can carry forward. Remember, not everyone will understand your journey, and that’s okay. They might be projecting their own insecurities onto you, so don’t take it personally.

5. “Consistency is your best friend.”

Confession time: I wasn’t the most consistent person growing up. Sports? Nah. Routines? What are those? But let me tell you, consistency is the secret ingredient to success. When you stick to something, day in and day out, magic happens. It’s like sprinkling fairy dust on your dreams. So, build those habits, create a routine, and don’t give up when the going gets tough. Trust me, it’s worth it.

6. “Take charge, darling!”

In my younger years, I had this idea that the perfect partner or the right people would magically appear to help me achieve my goals. Newsflash: life doesn’t work that way. I’ve come to realize that I hold the power to make things happen. Yes, asking for help is important, but I must take the first steps on my own. Nobody will go to the gym for me, spoon-feed me healthy meals, or find a job for me. It’s all on me, and that’s both empowering and liberating. If I want results, I have to put in the effort.

7. “Trust yourself and love yourself, darling.”

Here’s the ultimate truth bomb: you can do anything if you’re willing to put in the work. Trust me, I never imagined I would become a successful digital nomad, living life on my own terms for the past two years. It was always a dream of mine, and now I’m living it. But it all starts with self-care and self-love. Treat your body with kindness and respect, for it’s the only vessel you’ve got. Sure, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes along the way, but those experiences have taught me valuable lessons. By prioritizing self-love and knowing my worth, I’ve opened doors I never thought possible.

8. “Embrace the unknown and grow.”

Now, let me take you back to the moments when fear had a tight grip on me. Starting new chapters in life, whether it was moving to a different country or venturing into uncharted territory, felt like jumping into the abyss. But guess what? The abyss was full of surprises and growth. It was in those moments of uncertainty that I discovered my true strength. So, don’t shy away from the unknown. Embrace it, because that’s where the magic happens.

9. “Dream big, but take action.”

Dreaming big is fantastic, but it’s the actions we take that turn those dreams into reality. I used to daydream about a life of adventure and purpose, but I was hesitant to take the first step. It wasn’t until I realized that no one else would make it happen for me that I found the courage to take action. And let me tell you, the feeling of pursuing your passions and seeing them come to life is unparalleled. So, dream big, my friend, but remember that it’s your actions that will shape your destiny.

10. “Celebrate the journey, not just the destination.”

As my journey unfolded, I learned an important lesson: life isn’t just about reaching the destination; it’s about savoring the moments along the way. We often get caught up in chasing goals and forget to appreciate the beauty of the present moment. So, pause, take a deep breath, and celebrate every step of the journey. The small victories, the lessons learned, and the connections made — they all contribute to the person you’re becoming. And that, my dear younger self, is something worth cherishing.

So there you have it, my friends. X things that my younger self should’ve known. Life is a wild ride, full of ups and downs, but embracing fear, failure, and self-discovery is what makes it all worthwhile. So, go forth, conquer your dreams, and remember, you’re stronger and more capable than you think. Cheers to the journey!



Serene Wanderlust
Be Open

Nomadic Product Designer, aspiring writer, I write about life, love and my nomadic life.