6 Signs of Overwhelming Love

And You Probably Don’t Even Realize It

Be Open
8 min readJun 20, 2021


Photo by Jamez Picard on Unsplash

You may find it hard to believe that a person could love someone too much, but there are signs that you have crossed the line. Symptoms of loving someone too much can include constantly feeling anxious and often having a sense of dread when not in the loved one’s presence, which is different from being in love with him. Furthermore, when you become needy or clingy, you often start making decisions based on what will make your loved one most happy instead of making you most comfortable.

Here are some signs that your feelings for your loved one may be too strong and that you need to reevaluate:

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You Constantly Need To Be Physically Close With Your Loved One

It is common to live and breathe with the loved one in your life, but you may be taking it a bit too far if you cannot stand to be apart from him. A healthy relationship allows for a certain level of freedom, and when you are constantly checking up on him and not letting go of his hand — even at work or when sleeping — this could be a red flag.

There are times when you may just be in love and have had a busy day at work, but if you find yourself calling him at least 30 times a day even when you are together to make sure he is okay and that nothing terrible is going to happen, it might not be a crush. It could mean you feel consumed with worry about losing him or about what he does while away from you.

Feeling the need to touch him all the time, get close to your loved one every time you see him, and get jealous when other people are getting to spend time with him could indicate that you are not taking space in your own life.

Try to enjoy the time you do have on your own and spend some quality time yourself, too, as this will help you get a sense of self-worth again and make you less dependent on your loved one.

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Making Decisions Based On Their Reactions

When you are in the throes of your love for your loved one, it may seem natural to make decisions that will make him happy. However, it could be unhealthy if you start doing things or making decisions based on what he wants instead of what you want and what makes you happy. This can range from quitting a job that you love because he doesn’t like the hours to spending tons of money on clothes because he dislikes your style.

This is probably something you want to work on before it becomes dangerous, but you must start making decisions for yourself too. To be happy in a relationship, you have to be comfortable enough to make decisions that are right for you and not based solely on what will please your partner. This is an integral part of being in a long-term relationship and will ensure that you stay true to yourself while also being satisfied in your relationship.

It is your life and the way that you live it. You should only make decisions based on what YOU want, not what HE wants or what HE would like.

You Constantly Worry About Them

Every time you or your loved one leaves the house, it might seem natural to worry about their safety. However, this can quickly become a pattern that is unhealthy and starts to drive you crazy. It’s okay to be concerned about your loved one when he is away from you, but it should not permeate every part of your life and start to consume you.

You might hear yourself saying to yourself:

“I hope he doesn’t get in an accident or run into the wrong person. I hope he doesn’t do anything stupid. He just got his license; I didn’t expect him to get behind the wheel right away.

It is normal to worry at the beginning of a relationship, but if you find yourself constantly checking your phone or email for updates about your loved one, then he’s too much for you. The goal is to relax and enjoy each other’s company. This isn’t the time to overanalyze every little detail.

Remember, he is an adult, and the only person who can be accountable for his decisions is himself. Stop putting yourself in the mother role and start allowing him to make choices on his own.

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Your Loved One Treats You Poorly And You Just Take It

Blind love is the worst kind of love. Nothing can be done to convince you otherwise. This is the most dangerous kind of love because it can lead to deception and hurt others in the future.

Letting yourself be treated poorly to meet your loved one’s needs is not a healthy part of a relationship, but it is not uncommon. If you find that you are taking his lousy behaviour without question, he may have gone from being a boyfriend to something more serious and emotional.

A healthy relationship is one in which both partners respect and listen to one another. Your partner should never take advantage of you or treat you poorly to meet his needs. If he is constantly acting depressed or moody, he has crossed a line and needs to step back.

If your loved one is being narcissistic and isn’t really interested in developing a healthy relationship with you, then it might be time to move on. You deserve better, and so does everyone else.

Your Relationship Is Taking Away From Everything You’ve Been Working For In Life

Have you ever found yourself sacrificing everything important to you to please your loved one? Are you giving up your goals and dreams because you are so overwhelmed with the relationship that you don’t have time to focus on yourself or anything else? If so, then your relationship is not healthy.

A healthy relationship is one in which both partners help each other grow and develop. This can mean finding ways to make the other person’s life easier, or it can mean understanding their needs and then meeting them head-on. A healthy relationship also includes partnerships that exist for an extended period and are based on equality.

You should never come to the point of resenting your significant other because he is robbing you of essential things. Neglecting yourself and your goals for the sake of your partner’s happiness is not healthy and will only lead to a strained relationship. This is not uncommon, as love can bring us to some pretty extreme places.

Most people will agree that we can love too much when it comes to love, or we fall in love too fast, but there are other signs that you may have loved a little too much. When you have a relationship where both partners share their feelings, make compromises, and are focused on each other in the long term, things will work out in your favour.

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Looking Up To Him And Looking Down On Yourself

Many women put men on a pedestal and are overly subservient to them, but doing so actually makes you feel inferior. It makes you feel like you can’t trust or have an opinion of your own. You may also have a desire to be perfect for him or to live up to his expectations. Instead, try being your own person and give yourself permission to make mistakes.

After all, the sun doesn’t shine every day, and if you’re lucky, you will have at least one night when the moon is full, but that doesn’t mean you should live your life for someone. Your loved one is not your personal light, and you don’t need to be a shadow.

For centuries, women have been subjugated to men, and it’s time that women start to determine how they want to live their lives. And if a man isn’t willing to give you the freedom you deserve, he is not worth your precious time on this planet.

It can be challenging to have self-respect if a man in your life has made you feel subservient and unseen by the world around you. Your adoration will likely only make your guy feel as though you never challenge him or look at him critically. Even if there are times that you do challenge him, he may not believe you because he knows that he is in total control.

You’re not his mother, and you shouldn’t be afraid to voice your opinion or tell him when you are unhappy in any way. A relationship won’t survive if one person constantly dictates how the other should behave.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, not all relationships are meant to last forever. We mustn’t ignore the warning signs before it’s too late and we spiral out of control.

This is not about being mean or harsh because it’s not a competition. If anything, this is all about learning from the past and understanding that nobody is perfect and that nobody is someone else’s ideal. It’s okay to be who you are, but it’s also fine to change and grow with your loved one if both of you agree on the changes that need to be made in the relationship.

I hope that this post has helped you get to know some signs and what to expect when it comes to a relationship. I hope you all don’t get hurt in any way, shape, or form and learn from the past so that no one has to go through this scenario again.



Be Open

I am a writer on self-development and psychology. I love to share my thoughts and advice in life.