“A Girl’s Big Trip: From India to Other Countries — Facing Challenges, Finding Success, and Learning About Herself”

Lessons from Abroad

Ashmeen Kaur
Be Open


Photo by Cayley Nossiter on Unsplash

Embarking on a journey spanning nations and cultures mirrors stepping into a vast canvas of experiences waiting to be intertwined with one’s life story. This blog series delves into the captivating narrative of a young Indian woman whose thirst for exploration knows no limits.

Follow along as we trace her path across distant lands, encountering a diverse array of challenges, victories, and moments of self-discovery. From the bustling streets of Delhi to the serene shores of foreign lands, my adventure serves as a testament to human resilience and the endless opportunities awaiting those who dare to venture beyond the familiar. Join us as and accompany me , unraveling the threads of adventure, resilience, and personal growth that form the fabric of my remarkable journey.

Challenges, Triumphs, and Self-Discovery

Setting forth from the lively streets of India to the unexplored terrains of a foreign destination is a venture filled with excitement and trials.As a woman starting to work in another country, I faced many challenges that not only shaped my career but also changed who I am. In this story, I’ll talk about the problems I faced and the things I achieved, giving you a peek into how moving to a different part of the world for work can be a big and transformative experience.

1. Embracing the Unknown:

I decided to work abroad because I was excited about new opportunities and wanted to experience something different. But going to a foreign place came with its own set of challenges. The differences in culture, the unfamiliar workplaces, and being far away from home created a bunch of difficulties that I had to figure out how to deal with.

2. Overcoming Stereotypes:

When I started working in another country as a woman, I faced some unfair assumptions and ideas I didn’t expect. Proving that I was skilled and dedicated became a journey alongside building my professional identity. I had to consciously show that abilities and hard work aren’t limited by gender.

3. Balancing Cultural Dynamics:

Global workplaces have many different cultures, which is great, but it also requires careful navigation. Adjusting to new ways of working, talking, and behaving at work was a bit challenging at first. I had to figure out the informal rules of the workplace, often through trying things out and making mistakes, as part of fitting in.

4. Homesickness and Loneliness:

Feeling homesick caught me by surprise. Moving to a new country meant leaving behind people I know, family events, and the comfort of meals cooked at home. I often felt lonely, especially during festivals and important moments that I used to celebrate back in India.

5. Work-Life Integration:

Balancing work and personal life in a new place was a constant challenge. Juggling career goals and taking care of myself needed careful attention. Figuring out when to say no, setting limits, and making self-care a priority became really important to keep growing both in my job and in my personal life.

6. Building a Support System:

Building a support system in a new country was crucial. Making friends with coworkers, other people from my home country living abroad, and locals became really important. These connections were like a safety net — they not only helped me deal with challenges but also gave me different viewpoints that made my experience richer.

7. Language Barriers:

Even though English is commonly used in global business, small differences in how we communicate can still be tricky. Getting past language barriers, understanding informal expressions, and expressing myself well at work needed me to be flexible and ready to learn different accents and ways of communication.

8. Cultural Sensitivity and Workplace Dynamics:

Learning and respecting the little details about how things work in the workplace was a constant learning process. Figuring out how people communicate, the structure of authority, and fitting into the local way of working were really important for building good connections and relationships.

9.Personal Growth Amidst Challenges:

Even though there were difficulties, moving from India to work abroad has changed me a lot. Each problem I faced helped me become stronger and grow in both my personal and professional life. Getting through challenges made me more resilient, gave me a broader view of things, and made me feel more independent.

10. Fostering Resilience in the Face of Adversity:

The difficulties I faced in this international experience weren’t just about work; they affected my personal life too, testing how strong I could be. Dealing with situations where I felt like I didn’t belong, both in terms of culture and work, required me to stay determined. Being able to recover from failures, rejections, and moments of self-doubt became a defining feature of my journey.

11. Financial Independence and Budgeting:

Dealing with finances in a new country presented practical challenges. It was essential to grasp the cost of living and understand financial structures for stability. Mastering the skill of budgeting and making informed financial choices became a source of empowerment in my newfound independence.

12. Adapting to Technological Advances:

The fast evolution of technology at work required me to keep learning and upgrading my skills regularly. Staying up-to-date in a technology-driven setting became crucial, motivating me to welcome new tools and methods. Overcoming the challenges of learning digital platforms and smoothly integrating them into my work routine showed my ability to adapt.


Celebrating Diversity in Personal Relationships:

Creating friendships and meaningful bonds with people from various backgrounds made my experience more fulfilling. The mix of different thoughts, traditions, and perspectives among my friends expanded how I see the world. Celebrating holidays, exchanging cultural customs, and having conversations that went beyond borders became the essence of my personal relationships in the foreign country.

Exploring the Unknown:

Outside of the formal work settings, discovering unknown places in a new country turned into an adventure. Figuring out public transportation, understanding local food, and diving into the diverse aspects of a different culture opened up a world of exploration. Finding joy and personal growth in embracing the unfamiliar became a significant part of my experience.

Shaping Future Aspirations:

The difficulties I faced while moving from India to another country weren’t just obstacles; they served as catalysts for molding my future ambitions. The resilience I developed, the cultural understanding I gained, and the collaborations across different cultures have established a strong base for pursuing more significant goals and making a meaningful contribution to the global community.


Reflecting on the difficulties and successes of my venture from India to a foreign country for a work opportunity, I am overwhelmed with deep gratitude. I’m thankful for the personal growth spurred by challenges, the diverse array of experiences, and the ongoing remarkable journey.

This narrative isn’t just my story; it stands as proof of the resilience, adaptability, and determination displayed by individuals, especially women, when navigating unfamiliar territories. The challenges encountered aren’t obstacles but rather integral threads woven into the fabric of personal and professional development.

Confronting each challenge has made me more robust, self-assured, and highly capable of navigating the complexities of the global landscape. Cheers to the journey, the obstacles, the growth, and the unwritten chapters yet to unfold.

“Ready to embark on your own adventure? Explore the highs, lows, and self-discovery of this remarkable journey. Start your own path of discovery today!”

Happy Reading
-Ashmeen Kaur



Ashmeen Kaur
Be Open

An Educationist, Freelance writer (Creative thinker) & Sales professional. I love to write about lifestyle, productivity, and relationship.