“A Love Letter to the One I Haven’t Met”

Destined to Find Each Other Beyond Space and Time

insanity & hope
Be Open
2 min readMar 16, 2023


“Handwritten letter on paper in cursive black ink.”
Image by KoolShooters from Pexels

Dear soulmate,

I hope this letter finds you well. As I sit down to write this letter, my heart overflows with emotions that are difficult to put into words. You may wonder why I am writing this letter to someone I have never met before. But I know in my heart that you exist, somewhere out there in this vast world.

Despite the fact that love has broken me into pieces time and again, I am still someone who believes in destiny. So, I search for you in every person I meet, hoping that one day, we’ll find each other and our story will unfold like a fairytale.

Perhaps, like me, you are searching for me as well, in every face you see and in every voice you hear. Are you someone like me who believes in love even though it has hurt you in the past?. Or maybe you’re the voice in my head that tells me to keep going when I feel like giving up. Maybe you’re the hand that guides me when I’m lost and alone.

And at night, as I gaze up at the stars, I wonder if I’ve been looking for love in all its wrong places. All that I’ve been searching for outside is already within me. Maybe I am the person that I’ve been looking for, and the love that I seek is the love that I give to myself.

But when we finally meet, it will feel like destiny has brought us together. Our souls will recognize each other as if we’ve known each other our whole lives. That all the pain and heartache of the past was just leading us to each other, to this perfect moment. Maybe on that moment, we’ll both know that we’ve found our missing piece.

And if by some chance we never do meet, I hope this letter finds you, wherever you are in the world, and lets you know that there’s someone out there who’s searching for you, who believes in you, who loves you, with all their heart and soul.

Until we meet, take care…

Eternally yours,

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insanity & hope
Be Open

A mad poet's soul roaming around the insane world. Not quite a goddess, but people call me Durga :)