Aim for Reads, Not Views. What Do You Think?

It may take you long to succeed but will come with stability for you.

Fasiha Imran
Be Open


Aim for Reads, Not Views. What Do You Think?
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya from Pexels

Then a question may arise that

“How can it be possible to get reads without views”?

It may not be possible but I just want to let you know the difference between the two in my observation.

Views come from attractive headlines. You may aim to get more and more new readers. So, when you aim for views more than anything else you work on your headlines and that’s it.

On the other hand, reads come from engaging, informative, and relative content. This can only be read by your true readers.

When you want people to read your story, you work on your content to make it looks and feels good. So that the reader if not all but enjoys most of your words throughout your content.

The app of Medium is an interesting tool as it gives the option to highlight favorite words and sentences.

What do you aim for?

If your answer is both. Then also it’s a good way to a perfect match.

You can work on your titles and content simultaneously.

I must mention here that I focus on writing content that comes out of my heart. Despite…



Fasiha Imran
Be Open

Taking Small Steps to achieve my BIG Dreams. I write about Self-Improvement, Self-Awareness, Life Lessons, & Writing.