Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash


Are You Taking Time for Yourself?

COVID has made self-care more important than ever.

Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2021


Covid-19 has drastically increased stress for many people, and with fewer things to do safely out in the world, people are spending more time inside. Being cooped up so regularly can make your days crazier than they were before all of this started. If you live alone, you may just have to deal with self-isolation, but if you live with others, you may have to potentially deal with more:

:: Noise
:: Arguments
:: Dirty rooms
:: Claustrophobia
:: Demands
:: [Insert your life here]

Despite all this, we have to find a way to take out time for ourselves, so we don’t go insane and unnecessarily raise our stress levels.

If you haven’t been doing this already, starting today, take time out for yourself. Here are some examples of how you can do that:

:: Take a walk
:: Take a long bath/shower
:: Sit on the toilet and just breathe
:: Close your door, lay on the floor, and breathe deeply
:: Set boundaries and limits for those who are staying with you
:: Read a book
:: Watch a movie or a new show
:: Light some incense or a candle
:: Use aromatherapy —

