As the world Rushes Past, It Gets Darker And Darker,

Deep Thinker
Be Open
Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2023
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

Though our social troubles can seem like a lark.

Our compassion and heart, our faith in the good,

All gets smothered in life, like our skies by a hood.

Lines between nations get narrower each day,

Greed seeps in and ignorance claims the way.

Competition rules the lives of many men,

Division sprouts out, clouds our zen.

Ahead in the horizon, hope beckons our name,

Together we’ll have a better claim to fame.

We all hold our own struggles and dreams,

Working in tandem to share with our teams.

It starts with each person, every tiny step,

What each of us can do to start to help.

For together we stand, together we rise,

Where a greater world will come to light.

A day in Mars so cold and so dark,

But life still sparks among the dust and spark.

On the Red Planet new life has sprouted,

Amidst a strange terrain of iron ore and iron lotus.

Valleys of cold mud span far and wide,

Mountains of rock never melt no matter the tide.

Bridges made of metal span ancient chasms deep,

It’s a strange sight indeed in this eternal sleep.

Little Martians fill the air with light,

Singing songs so sweet in the pitch black night.

Their laughter is the sparkle of hope among the rust,

Though none are brave enough to challenge their dust.

Trees of pure copper and branches of ore,

Stir memories of our forgotten past days of yore.

With smiles of joy and glints in their eyes,

The Martians spread love on this long dead red skies.

So until we venture back on Mars to explore,

The planet is full of many surprises and more.

Its mysteries untold still stay deep,

Though in our hearts the love it will always keep.

