Fiction/Drama/High School

Assumptions — Senior Year — Chapter Thirty-Six

Ayma Kuntz

Izzibella Beau
Be Open


Photo by Michael Yuan on Unsplash

Ugh. I had a test in my next class, and I hadn’t looked over my notes much. Yes, I’d been busy, and no, it wasn’t always school-related. Well, it has been, like helping Colton, but it was more than just that right now. It was almost like we were friends.

I opened my locker to find my folder with the information I needed. It was here somewhere.

I think.

“Aaaaah!” Someone’s hands covered my eyes. Then came the laugh, and I knew exactly who it was. I turned around and slapped Colton on the chest. “You scared me.” I grabbed my folder, which happened to be right in the front, closed my locker, and turned back to Colton. “What’s up?” I noticed Levi, JJ, Shelby, and Danielle waiting for him.

“I’m not going to be in Ms. Birch’s class today. Can I grab notes from you later this afternoon?”

“I think the library is going to be closed this afternoon.” Out of my peripheral vision, I saw Levi nudge Danielle and whisper something in her ear. She shook her head, but he pushed her, and she reluctantly walked toward Colton and me.

Colton’s back was toward his crew waiting for him, so he didn’t see Danielle walking our way.”No problem. I’ll swing by your house.”

Danielle took hold of Colton’s arm and intertwined it with her own. “Colton, c’mon.” She snuggled closer. “Class is going to start soon.” She pulled a bit to make him move.

Colton looked over at his group and then back to me. “Hey, uh, I gotta go. We’re all gonna be late.” He pulled away from Danielle. “I’ll see you after school.” He shuffled backward, waiting for my response.

“Uh…yeah…okay, I’ll talk to you later.” I watched Colton walk away, then focused back on Danielle, who was still standing beside me.

Danielle looked me up and down, glanced back at her crew, then at me again. “As IF you have a chance. Look at yourself,” she waved her hand in front of me, referencing my clothes and body. “Colton is so far out of your league. There’s no way someone like you could ever keep hold of someone like him.” Danielle flipped her hair back. “I’m only going to tell you once. Stay. The Fuck. Away. From. Colton.” She turned away to catch up with the group as they walked the opposite way I had to go.

“Aaaaah.” I spun around as someone tickled my ribs.

Tabby thought it was the funniest thing ever.

What was with people scaring me today?

Tabby rolled her hands in circles. “Tell me everything.”

I was like totally lost in what she meant. “About?”

Tabby was like ‘duh’ like you should know. “You text Colton was giving you a ride home yesterday. What happened?”

Tabby was my bestie, forever, but I didn’t know if I wanted to share my special time with Colton just yet.”Nothing really. We studied, hung out, and he drove me home.

Tabby’s lips went into pouty mode. “Ohhh, c’mon. Tell me something. Anything.

I looked around like we were on some secret spy mission, then leaned closer. “Okay, we had hot passionate sex right there in the front seat of his car. We left the top down so everyone could see. It was amazing.”

Tabby’s expression showed she knew I was lying. She shook her head. “Nah. First, I know that’s a lie. Colton doesn’t have a convertible. Second, every inch of you is still a virgin, including your lips.” A sly smile crossed Tabby’s face with my sudden bout of embarrassment. “Third, I’m your best friend, and you’d call me if something happened. So, I’ll have to go with you’re telling the truth. Nothing happened.”

We both walked up the hallway. “We’re going to meet after school again today.”

“Cool, at the library?”

I shook my head. Thinking about it now made me nervous.”No, at my house.”

Tabby stopped in the middle of the hall. “What!” Her loud yell caused other students to stop and stare but then continue on their way. “Alone. You, Colton, this could become interesting.”

“No, it’s not. He’s coming over to grab some notes for Life Skills.”

“I’m sure he could teach you a few life skills or other types of skills.”

Ugh, why couldn’t she see the whole picture the way I did? Colton wasn’t interested in me like that. “Tabby, it’s not like that. Unfortunately, he’s stuck with me as a partner. He needs these credits, so he’s just going with the flow.”

Tabby rolled her eyes. “Believe what you want to believe.” She gave me a quick hug. “I gotta go to the nurse. I’ll see you in class.” She walked away before I could question why.

I continued on my way to class. As I passed the women’s restroom, Shelby and Danielle stepped out and blocked my path. I had to make a sudden stop before I plowed into them, which would’ve been kind of funny. They pointed for me to enter. Unhappy and grudgingly, I followed the command.

Oh, this wasn’t going to be good.

I stood against the wall and avoided eye contact with Reagan, Shelby, and Danielle. They didn’t say anything. Their stare was enough to intimidate anyone, which was working reasonably well right now.

“What do you want? We’re all late for class.”

Reagan had an evil smile when our eyes met. “We’re all late for class.” She did her best impersonation of me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Shelby and Danielle loved this moment. Reagan’s gaze shifted over to her two best friends. “I thought I told you to tell her to stay away from Colton.”

Shelby and Danielle looked at one another. “We did.” They gave the same response simultaneously.

“She doesn’t listen very well.” Danielle’s reply sent three pairs of eyes back my way.

“Colton and I are just Life Skills partners. We have to talk.”

Reagan did her best ‘Mean Girl’ chuckle. “That’s why y’all had a play-date yesterday.”

Holy, heck, How did she know what Colton and I did?

Reagan looked in the mirror, flipped her hair, and straightened out her crop shirt. “I know lots of things without having to be around.” She looked at me in the mirror. “Here’s the deal, Ayma.” She turned around. “There’s more to Colton than you’ll ever know. If you don’t stay away from him, I’ll make your life hell.”

“You already do.”

“That’s not the issue right now.”

All our heads turned as we heard the clicking of heels on the tile floor outside the doorway.

Reagan glared back at me. “Just remember, I can make it even worse for you.”

“Girls. Time to get to class.” A female voice sounded out from the bathroom entry.

Reagan, Shelby, and Danielle each bumped into me as they exited.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. Why did everything have to be so complicated and dramatic with them? This was why nothing could or ever would happen between Colton and me. Not that anything would, but Reagan just proved that anything beyond being study friends was off-limits.

Ha, like he would be interested in me as girlfriend material.

Oh, get real, Ayma. You. Are. Not. In. Colton’s. League.

Not now. Not ever.

Time to get to class and get another tardy slip. Again.

Let’s get you all caught up on the beginning of Assumptions. Click the link below for more chapters.


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Izzibella Beau
Be Open

I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond