Best of British Humor

Glenn M Stewart
Be Open


The Brits do it differently


A man takes his wife to get tested for Coronavirus. Two days later, he gets a call from the lab.

Doctor: I’m sorry to inform you sir that your wife’s test results have been mixed up with another patient’s. We’re not sure if she has COVID-19 or Alzheimer’s disease.

Man: So, what am I supposed to do now?!

Doctor: I’d recommend taking her for a long walk and leaving her, if she finds her way back home, don’t open the door.

The Thames

A proper English gentleman is sitting in front of a fireplace in his mansion and reading a paper.

Suddenly a door opens and a butler rushes in, clothes all loose, messy hair and in a bit of panic screams, “The Thames is rising fast! Water is flooding everything and soon will reach us!”

The gentlemen calmly folds his paper and scolds the man for being tardy. “You are a servant of this fine family! We do not fear anything so there is no need to panic! Act like it, get yourself in order and try announcing that again like a proper butler should!”

The butler leaves and closes the door. Ten minutes pass, then another and another.



Glenn M Stewart
Be Open

Pugilist, polemicist, Oxford Arabist, financial mastermind, international man of mystery, film producer, playwright, part-time-poet, full-time provocateur…