Bored, Relaxed, or At Peace
Is this what serenity feels like?
When your mind is quiet
And the to-do lists
Have stopped whirring
When you can take a deep breath
And your mind isn’t spinning
Your body feels
Your heart rate feels
You are off the roller coaster
For a second
Breathing isn’t labored
You’re not beating yourself up
Or thinking about
What you could have done
Or should be doing
Worries are a thing of the past
Anxious thoughts
Are gone
Feeling safe
And serene
This is the new you
The one who believes in themselves
The one who knows
They’ve got it
The one who laughs at fear
And trepidation
The one who
Walks tall
And feels free
Confident and peaceful
Lighthearted and fun
People love
To be around you
Your joy is contagious