What Is Climate Change? — Who is Affected The Most? —What Causes Climate Change? — How To Control Climate Change?

Nabila Jalil
Be Open
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2023
Climate change is a global issue, be kind and save the earth.

From East to West, the entire globe is on fire due to the devastating outcomes of climate change. Greenhouse gases are making the earth’s atmosphere warmer with every passing day.

The glaciers in the mountains are melting and shrinking. The land water is depleting, and the ocean’s water level is rising. Massive changes in atmospheric conditions risk every nation with the global emergency of Climate Change.

Effects Of Climate Change

Climate change brings fluctuations in the duration of seasons, patterns of rainfall, and drought in some regions. Agriculture is badly affected by climate change due to the changes in the flowering and ripening of fruits and vegetables.

Causes Of Climate Change

Climate changes are due to the emission of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, coal, natural gases, crude oil, etc.

Deforestation is catastrophic to climate, which causes the depletion of plants and trees. To combat climate change, we must encourage plantations and plants to keep the atmosphere green and clean from carbon dioxide.

Who Is At Risk Of Climate Change?

Climate change is a global emergency. Countries that are in the coastal region are affected by the climate change. The ocean water level is rising due to the shrinkage of the glaciers in the mountains.

The sun is heating the oceans, causing thermal expansion of water, and excess evaporation results in unexpected amounts of rainfall. Floods are surfacing in the coastal region, which are deadly hazards to humans and wildlife.

India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives, and Bhutan are South Asian countries. These countries face the burgeoning effects of climate change in the form of floods.

Deadliest Floods In Pakistan

Floods in Pakistan were some of the deadliest floods, which put the entire globe on climate emergency.

2010 Floods

The 2010 floods in Pakistan set an alarm for climate change globally. 2010, floods were the deadliest and killed thousands of people, damaged the forests and livestock, and brought immense damage to the infrastructure. Climate change has been hovering around since the floods of 2010.

2022 Floods

Pakistan was not yet out of the devastating damages made by the floods of 2010. Another strong flood hit Pakistan in 2022. The Floods of 2022 in Pakistan have affected the whole globe. This time, the floods were more severe and deadly. The 2022 floods killed thousands of people, damaged large amounts of livestock, and caused an economic loss of $15.2 billion.

How To Combat Climate Change?

Climate change is happening rapidly and drastically, which can not be stopped or reversed. However, to combat the hazard of climate change, every nation should adopt climate-friendly actions instead of burning fossil fuels, coal, crude oil, etc.

Electronic Climate Control

We must encourage electronic climate control methods and the use of electric burners, electric bikes, vehicles, etc. Replace your random light bulbs with LED light bulbs. We should encourage renewable sources such as the sun, wind, and water to generate electricity and other needs.

Earth is a tomorrow land, and tomorrow belongs to young ones. Educate your young ones about climate change and its outrageous effects if not controlled on time. Only education can bring ethics because only a disciplined nation builds a healthy atmosphere to grow.

Who Contributes To Climate Change?

Low-income countries contribute too much to climate change. Such countries have minimum resources to mitigate climate hazards. On the other hand, rich countries are more civilized. They have plenty of resources to overcome climate hazards because their governing bodies work in the nation’s interest.


Climate change alludes to an apocalypse. It is a global issue, and we should practice eco-friendly practices to mitigate its unwanted and devastating effects. Climate change is due to the emission of carbon gases into the atmosphere, which traps the sun’s rays and causes global warming. Lowering the emission of greenhouse gases(GHGs) can lower the risk of global warming. We must adopt economic and ecological methods to help reduce climate change.



Nabila Jalil
Be Open

Nabla is a passionate writer who loves to wing words with her powerful imaginations