Clouds of Oblivion

Aswathi Ashok
Be Open
Published in
4 min readJul 26, 2021


Photo by Anandu Vinod on Unsplash

I went up to the terrace at 4 pm as usual. A time I cherish the most, as this is when I sit to write peacefully on the terrace. As I wrote, a drop of raindrop fell on my palm. I hadn’t noticed how quickly the bright blue sky around me had turned cloudy. The dark clouds moved quicker than usual. Danger always comes with a warning. Oftentimes, signs are right in front of us, yet we fail to recognize them. I should have noticed the eagles swirling unusually high above me, in circles flying in and out of the dark clouds. One minute they were visible and then they were not. What would I have done even if I had noticed, I’m not entirely sure.

Something felt off about the energy in the surrounding. Before I could respond, there was a sudden downpour of dead eagles all around me. They fell down screeching. I let out a scream in reflex and jumped from where I sat. The eagles lay dead on the floor, some were still alive when they hit the floor but died right in front of me. I looked up and there was no sign of birds or anymore of the eagles flying in the sky, all of them were dead. I couldn’t help but notice something strange even in that moment of nervousness.

Photo by NOAA on Unsplash



Aswathi Ashok
Be Open

🦋Seeker of Untold Stories and Stranger Realms. I enjoy writing Fantasy Fiction, Horror & Poetry(free verse). Writer✍🏻 |Avid Reader|Storyteller|Travel Blogger