Different Types of Brakes

Sourav Rana
Be Open
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2023
Photo by Benjamin Brunner on Unsplash

A brake is a mechanical arrangement that helps in stopping a moving vehicle or rotating object within the minimum possible timeframe. It is specifically a friction-producing device that consumes mechanical energy and produces heat energy while stopping a rotating object. There are 4 types of brakes available in market these days.

Photo by Liam Briese on Unsplash

Drum Brake: Drum brakes have a drum-type arrangement inside the wheel that is stopped by brake shoes fitted inside the drum. These brakes are less efficient as compared to other types of brakes.

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Disc Brakes: Disc brakes are commonly used in vehicles these days. It has a disc along with rubber pads. The rubber pads produce friction on the disc which converts the mechanical energy of a rotating wheel into the heat energy. This process help in stopping the vehicle.

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Anti-lock braking system: The Antilock braking system is a highly sophisticated braking arrangement that helps in stopping a vehicle up to the minimum possible distance. It uses an electronic control unit to arrange the braking system in such a manner that the vehicle can be stopped very easily without sliding on the road. The operator feels jerks through the brake pedal when the antilock braking system works.

Photo by Eduardo Soares on Unsplash

Hydraulic Brakes: The hydraulic brakes are used in heavy-duty vehicles. It is a combination of specific components that helps in stopping the vehicle by using a fluid.



Sourav Rana
Be Open

A passionate thinker and an enthusiastic author.