Do you Chase Your Dreams?

True story: I’m 50 today, I don’t think I look my age

Michael Neve
Be Open
2 min readDec 20, 2023


Photo by Jeet Khatri on Unsplash

Being able to laugh at yourself was always something I saw other’s being able to do. I envied those people but now I’m all over it. One dream down only about another million to go.

Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

I think we all be might find it interesting to know what stops the average person from going after their dreams and goals.

First you might be interested to know what’s stopped me from chasing my dreams. I could have named this piece ‘About Me’ but honestly I’m not that interesting. Long story short, up until my 30’s I lived my Life like a champ. Socialising, travelling around Europe four straight years, basically living life to the full. After that my dad had passed and within a few years my mam had a stroke and developed heart failure so as an only child I decided to care for her… and here I am still doing my best to keep her comfortable, unfortunately though at the expense of any real life for me. I’m good though, you only get one mum!

Now to you.

From what I see there’s many reasons people lose sight of their dreams, some are understandable, excusable even.

Things like, family commitments, work, caring for someone.

It’s the inexcusable stuff that some people go through, the nasty, vile, toxic things that hold good people back, from accomplishing even the most attainable dreams.

Often this can be a partner, even a parent, draining another person’s confidence, usually because they have no dreams of their own and want to keep the other person downtrodden with the aim of keeping them with them and subservient.

Enough of the nasty stuff

Here’s what you can and should do, if you have a dream, something you’ve always wanted to do, but someone in your life is purposefully stopping you… cut that person and their negativity out of your life and go for it. Do t get me wrong, it will be scary, but the feeling you get when that goal is realised will be like nothing you’ve ever experienced. You can do it!

Until next time, happy writing and even happier living X



Michael Neve
Be Open

legit, actionable strategies, for new bloggers, alongside an intellectual shmorgasboard of tasty morsels for the mind ... did I just say that ... it's a blog