Fads From The Past: Ridiculously Pointy Shoes In Medieval Europe

An odd fashion trend from the 15th century.

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3 min readOct 25, 2021


Regnault de Montauban, Tome 2 — Gallica

Have you ever wondered why so many pieces of Medieval art feature nobility wearing pointy shoes?

I was going through the 15th century art section of Wikimedia Commons, and was reminded of this particularity. Piece after piece contained this weird looking shoe. Why is that?

Apparently, during this time period, pointed shoes were very popular amongst the noble classes. The shoe was deemed the poulaine or crakow. To achieve that ideal pointy shape, they would stuff the toes with moss, grass, hair, and some would even use whalebone

These were considered a flex. Much like in our age where people adorn themselves with expensive designer brands and jewellery that tends to be anything but practical, these silly looking shoes were a demonstration of the wearer’s social status.

15th Century Burgundian Gown with Poulaines

Clearly, those wearing these long pointed shoes are meant to use them while partaking in leisurely activities, such as socializing and drinking with nobility, not out in the fields laboring…



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