Feeling Anxious? It Might Be Affecting Your Confidence

In a world that often seems like a never-ending race, many of us find ourselves dealing with a common but often silent adversary: anxiety.

Areeba Writes
Be Open
3 min readSep 30, 2023


Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

It’s that knot in your stomach before a big presentation, the racing thoughts that keep you awake at night, or the unease that makes it hard to speak up in a room full of people.

But did you know that anxiety can have a profound impact on something we all hold dear — our confidence?

Imagine confidence as a sturdy tree. Its roots run deep within us, providing strength and support for our everyday lives. These roots represent our beliefs in ourselves, our abilities, and our worth.

But anxiety is like a persistent storm that can shake those roots and threaten to uproot our confidence tree.

How does this happen, you ask? Let’s explore.

The Inner Battle

Anxiety and confidence are like two gladiators in an arena, locked in an eternal struggle. Anxiety whispers doubts and fears in our ears, casting shadows of self-doubt over our thoughts.

It tells us that we’re not good enough, smart enough, or worthy enough. It magnifies our mistakes and makes us question our every move.

Meanwhile, confidence is our champion, ready to fight back. But anxiety can be a formidable opponent, and if we don’t arm ourselves with awareness and understanding, it can chip away at our confidence over time.

The Vicious Cycle

One of the most insidious aspects of anxiety is its ability to create a vicious cycle. When anxiety takes hold, it often leads to avoidance behavior. We start avoiding situations that trigger our anxiety, like speaking in public or meeting new people.

This avoidance may provide temporary relief, but it also reinforces our anxiety by telling our brains that these situations are genuinely dangerous.

As we avoid more and more, our comfort zones shrink, and our confidence takes a hit. Our once-thriving confidence tree starts to wither because it’s not getting the nourishment it needs from new experiences and challenges.

The Power of Self-Compassion

So, what can we do to break free from this cycle and protect our confidence from the clutches of anxiety? One key weapon in our arsenal is self-compassion.

It’s about treating ourselves with the same empathy and understanding that we would offer to a friend.

When anxiety strikes, instead of berating ourselves for feeling anxious, we can practice self-compassion by acknowledging our feelings and reassuring ourselves that it’s okay to feel this way.

We can remind ourselves that everyone experiences anxiety at some point, and it doesn’t define our worth or abilities.

Seeking Support

Another crucial step in the battle against anxiety’s assault on our confidence is seeking support. Remember, you don’t have to face anxiety alone. Reach out to friends, family, or a mental health professional who can provide guidance and a listening ear.

Sharing your efforts with someone you trust can be incredibly liberating. It can help you see that you’re not alone in this fight and that there are people who believe in you and your capabilities.

Embracing Growth

Lastly, let’s reframe our perspective on anxiety. Instead of seeing it as an enemy, view it as an opportunity for growth. Every time you face your anxiety head-on, you’re strengthening your confidence roots.

You’re proving to yourself that you can handle challenges, even if they make you anxious.

Remember, confidence isn’t about never feeling anxious; it’s about believing in yourself despite your anxiety. It’s about recognizing that you have the inner strength to weather the storms of self-doubt and emerge even stronger.


Anxiety may try to shake your confidence tree, but with self-compassion, support, and a growth mindset, you can nurture your confidence back to health. The battle may be tough, but remember, you are stronger than you think, and your confidence can weather any storm.

So, take a deep puff, stand tall, and accept yourself — you’ve got this!

Love Areeba :)

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Areeba Writes
Be Open

I am Areeba Jaweed, SEO Content Writer and Part-Time Blogger.