
I'm craving for happiness

Maria S
Be Open
1 min readSep 22, 2021


Photo by gremlin

I want to choose myself over everything I want to be free to do what I want
I want so many things in my mind
And I’m scared to not be able to achieve them
Like the simple things
being freely happy
being freely true to myself
but can you let me be?
but wait why do I always wait for approval for others?
why I’m not confident enough to be who I wanna be?
Why are the fears always eating me up ?
I want to stand up for myself
And free my soul from the pain I want to be free the way the wind plays with my hair freely I want to be free to choose happiness



Maria S
Be Open

A writer but not a famous one. I published my first book in 2018 supporting women and child. I write poetry and short stories