Frequency Catcher

A fun, short story with a lesson.

Vidhyadhari M
Be Open
4 min readAug 21, 2024


Art by author

“Man, I'm so excited. Okay cool. Take deep breaths. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.”

I think, I'm gonna start doing breathing exercises soon if this dude doesn’t stop his ramble.

“You got this. You are ready. YOU. CAN. DO. THIS.”

I roll my eyes, stuffing my face with honey cereal. I was peacefully having my breakfast before his voice traveled to me again.

“Flowers, tick. Camera, tick. Ring, tick..”

If this guy says tick one more time, I'm gonna tick him off personally.

Sniff, Sniff
“Do I smell? ...not possible. I just rubbed every part of me with that Forever brand Hawaiian cream. I smell yummy and forever. Huh, maybe I should include that sentence when I propose today.”

Oh my god, I pity the woman who is going to bear with him for the rest of her life, If she says yes.

His loud voice woke me up today from my dreamless sleep. So yes, I'm a little pissed at him.

“Bye bye bye..hmm hmm.”

Oh no, he started humming that song again. I can't take this. But I have no choice do I? Ugh!

Being a frequency catcher has its downsides more than perks. 
I couldn't control or pick the frequency of the voices my brain catches.
It tunes to a random frequency of a nearby person's voice at any point of the day and I just have to bear with it until it passes away on its own.

Sometimes It has its benefits too. Once, I saved a woman from getting a bad haircut because of her breakup. 
I just complimented her hair and she called off her appointment.

Hey, she could do whatever she want to. I’m not here to judge but she really had nice hair and was about to get a mohawk.
So, I just wanted her to think thoroughly before making any final decision.

Today though, I can't say I'm having a good time listening to this dude's sweet thoughts and some thoughts I rather avoid about his girlfriend.

I know I'm being a big grump and that's because I woke up on the wrong side of the bed but if truth be told, hearing his thoughts and his love for his girlfriend I can say he's a good fella. I hope his girlfriend says yes.

“Okay, let's roll, rumble and get this show on the road with no fumble.
I hope she says yes. Oh god, please help me. Pretty please.”

His anxiousness made me smile.

I picked up my car keys and opened my front door to leave for work. I was locking it when I spotted my next door neighbor doing the same.

My neighbor is a scary dude and I always stay out of his way just to avoid any trouble and not because I’m scared of him or anything. Pftt. 
Okay maybe I am a little scared.

His version of saying hello is to jut his chin out and his voice is so low it always gives me the chills. He is a strong, hefty man filled with dark tattoos and an aura, titled – stay out of my way and his eyes always say, don’t talk to me.

I climb down my front steps and pick up my momentum and come to halt when I hear my neighbor’s deep gruff voice, “Hey.”

Hiding my surprise, I slowly turn towards him and that's when I see a velvet box in his hands.

Nooo, he can't be the sweet guy whom I've been cursing since this morning. Can he?

He erases my doubts by saying, “wish me luck today, I'm proposing to my girlfriend.”

I was so appalled that I just stood there staring at him for a minute but then I came back to my senses and stuttered, “go-good luck.”

He gave me a tight smile and went his way.
Oh my God, I've never seen him smile. This day is full of surprises.
I've never thought he was a mush beneath all that hard exterior.
He was a coconut and this is why they say, appearances can be deceptive.
It is true. I admit.

I couldn’t stop myself from shouting, “she’s gonna say yes! You are a good guy!”
He looked at me as If I’m an alien because of my sudden outburst, no doubt.
Then he gave me a tight nod and left on his bike.

A sigh left me when I muttered,
"Lesson for today by the frequency catcher – Never judge a book by its cover."



Vidhyadhari M
Be Open

Hi there! I hope my writings bring a smile to your face or plant a positive thought in your mind. Ooh and I also try to write poetry. Just saying.