Honey Coated Reminiscence

the beauty and suffering of nostalgia

Brianna williams
Be Open
Mar 15, 2024


Photo by Yusuf Evli on Unsplash

In each tender recollection that appears in the mind,
A sweet feeling of nostalgia soon follows behind.
Soft sounds of laughter and joys of all kinds,
echo sweetly through the passage of time.

But nostalgia’s fleeting and leaves with quick haste,
and soon, a somber air fills up the space.
No more sounds of laughter or echo of play,
further and further do they fade away.

Only faint in the background do they remain,
a soft, soothing comfort that they still inhabit this space.
A space that holds nothing but the hands of grief,
the tears of mourning, the hope for relief.

But there is no relief or subsequent change,
with each honey-coated memory, an emptiness remains.
There is no escaping this sorrow hidden as joy,
for all there is, is space.

