How Can We Nurture Freedom of Thought and Respect in a World with Diverse Opinions?

Elisabeta D
Be Open
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2023

Today, we promote freedom of thought, but is it really so? Assuming that each individual has a unique perspective due to their different life experiences, even within the same family – for instance, my aunt, who has eleven children raised in the same house, yet none of them think alike. How can we then expect our opinions and perceptions to be identical?

It's natural that we won't like everything that others do and that we decide what will or won't be a part of our lives. This applies to culinary, musical, cultural preferences, as well as our mindset and consciousness.

Today, I've been reflecting on the topics of racism and homosexuality. It's important to stress that we may have different opinions on these matters, but we should agree that physical or psychological violence is not acceptable. God has granted us free will to live our lives as we wish, so on what grounds can we criticize or harm those who think differently or are different from us? Even those with differing opinions have the right to make their own choices, regardless of our beliefs.

I've had friends from diverse cultures and homosexual friends, and even though we didn't always agree on everything, I never tried to impose my way of thinking or behavior on them. It's important to share our ideas and beliefs, but it's not right to try to impose them or punish those who don't share them.

At the same time, we expect that opinions different from ours won't be imposed on us if we don't accept them. Today, the term "discrimination" is often used in situations where society tries to enforce certain opinions, but not everyone agrees on these points.

While those inclined to use violence, marginalize, and judge people of different races or sexual orientations should not exist, there should also be no place for those who judge those who disagree with homosexuality or different cultures and mindsets.

Respect should be extended to all in every circumstance, as none of us is perfect, and each possesses unique talents and qualities, regardless of our choices and the environment in which we live. In the end, each of us is responsible for our own decisions, no one else.

However, it's hard not to notice that there is too much hatred in many discussions. If we look at social media, it's clear that opinions are strongly divided, often with a high level of tension. Why can't we share our opinions and discuss others' views respectfully? This would truly be freedom of thought. For example, a heterosexual Christian meets a homosexual; the former states that they respect the other's choice, even if they disagree, and the homosexual does the same, and the discussion ends with a handshake. What's wrong with this approach?

In conclusion, the world would be a more harmonious place if we could embrace the diversity of thought and opinion, recognizing that each person’s unique perspective is shaped by their individual experiences. While it’s natural to disagree on certain matters, let us not forget that at the core of any healthy society is respect for one another, a willingness to engage in open, respectful dialogue, and the understanding that our differences make us stronger, not weaker. So, as we move forward, let’s strive for a world where freedom of thought is truly celebrated, where understanding and empathy prevail over hatred, and where, despite our differences, we can all coexist in peace and harmony.



Elisabeta D
Be Open

"Writer exploring relationships, life, and a healthy mindset. Join me on a journey of insight and growth. 🌱✍️"