How I Make $6000 in a week with Affiliate Marketing

Krupali Patel
Be Open
Published in
4 min readMar 27, 2024


Make Money With Affiliate Marketing
Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing could be a great option if you’re looking for a way to earn or make money online. It’s a simple concept: you promote someone else’s products or services, and when someone purchases through your unique affiliate link, you earn a commission through Affiliate Marketing.

“Affiliate Marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s a get-rich-smart Strategy.”

However, the key to success with affiliate marketing is choosing the right programs and putting in the effort to promote them effectively.

In this article, I’ll share how I made $6000 weekly with affiliate marketing using these 3 affiliate programs. Sounds great!

If you are familiar with my work, you probably already know that my area of expertise is creating information that enables others to make money through legal methods.

I place a higher priority on teaching my audience the right money-making techniques in Affiliate Marketing than many declared “gurus,” who are eager to offer get-rich-quick scams without offering any genuine advice.

My strategy focuses on giving them the tools and information they need to create income streams gradually through Affiliate Marketing.

By stressing the value of dedication, hard effort, and a long-term outlook, I wish to assist people in achieving long-term financial independence.

In simple Words Affiliate marketing is an easy way to get passive income by promoting someone’s products or Services.

Now let’s get going!

Choosing the Right Affiliate Programs

When it comes to affiliate marketing, the first step is to choose the right programs to promote. You want to choose products or services that are relevant to your audience and that you believe in.

I choose Different programs for Affiliate Marketing and Take their feature and Advantages.

Let’s Learn One by one path for your income

1. Cloudways

Cloudways was one of the first Affiliate Marketing programs I joined.

It is a cloud hosting provider that specializes in WordPress, VPS, and Dedicated hosting.

I chose this program because I believe in the quality of their hosting service, and I knew it would be a good fit for my audience’s Affiliate Marketing. I have been using their services for the past few years.

Choose Cloudways and Make Affiliate Money
Choose Cloudways and Make Affiliate Money

2. Envato

Envato is my favorite marketplace to make money online with Affiliate Marketing.

You may be thinking, how?

I use 3 methods to make money with Envato

  • As an affiliate
  • Selling products at Envato
  • Buying Scripts from Envato and monetizing them.

As an affiliate marketer: I promote products from Envato Market on my website, blog, and social media channels. I make a 30% commission on each sale made through my unique affiliate link in Affiliate Marketing to make money.

Selling products on the Envato platform: If you are a designer, developer, or content creator, you can sell your products on Envato.

Buying scripts from the Envato Market is my preferred approach for generating income through Affiliate Marketing on Envato. I acquire scripts relevant to my niche, rebrand them, and launch them for public use. As traffic flows in, revenue streams begin to materialize.

Envato has two different platforms:

  • Envato Elements
  • Envato Market

Both platforms are owned by Envato, but they serve different purposes and cater to different needs.

Envato Elements is a subscription-based service that provides access to a vast library of digital assets such as stock photos, graphics, templates, videos, audio files, and more.

Envato also helps you to make money with Affiliate marketing with the help of the Affiliate program.

3. Namecheap

Namecheap was another affiliate program that I joined for my Affiliate Marketing to make money.

Namecheap offers affordable domain registration and web hosting services, which I knew would be of interest to my audience. I had also used their services myself and was impressed with their customer support and value.

When I was first starting as a domain flipper, I had no idea where to begin for domain flipping.

I had a passion for making online money with Affiliate Marketing and a desire to share my ideas with the world, but I lacked the technical know-how about domains to get started.

That’s when I stumbled upon Namecheap — a web hosting and domain registration service that changed everything for me.

With their intuitive platform and excellent customer support, I was able to launch several websites in no time. But the real magic happened when I shared my story on social media with my affiliate links through Affiliate Marketing.

It quickly went viral, with other aspiring bloggers thanking me for introducing them to Namecheap. Then Contact today and Get income.

Final Words

Choose the right affiliate programs: Look for programs that are relevant to your audience and that you believe in. Give ideas to make money with Affiliate Marketing to your audience.

Promote effectively: Create high-quality content, use email marketing and social media, and join online communities to reach your target audience.

Be patient: Affiliate marketing takes time and effort, so don’t expect overnight success. Stick with it and you’ll see results.

Keep learning: Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques in affiliate marketing. Attend webinars, read blogs, and join online communities to learn from others.

If you want to know more about Affiliate Marketing or Digital Marketing then reach out to me. Use My Services to get top ranking in Google.



Krupali Patel
Be Open

Incorporating the most creative concepts into blog posts and content creation. Also take a dive into top trending topic about Digital marketing