How much water is the right amount to drink?

Ananya Agrawal
Be Open
Published in
3 min readNov 26, 2023

It’s a question that often gives a headache to many, myself included.

I used to search for that golden number, experimenting with recommendations like drinking a 8 glasses or aiming for 3 to 4 liters daily.

At first, Iuse to count each glass, only to lose track after a few days. The cycle would then repeat, and I’d find myself back at square one, especially when I am dehydrated again.

After much exploration, I’ve come to realize that the answer isn’t a straightforward, one-size-fits-all figure.

It’s a personalized approach – you should drink water when your body signals that it’s thirsty. This seemingly simple realization has transformed my perspective on hydration.

Secondly, establishing a routine of water consumption has also played a significant role. Incorporating one to two glasses of water in the morning and evening has become my daily habit.

Moreover, I’ve learned that different lifestyles require different amounts of water intake. Whether you work outdoors in a field or in a desk job within an air-conditioned room, your body’s hydration needs vary.

The quantity of liquid in your diet is another factor to consider – those with a higher liquid intake( chai , juice, coffee, fruits) may require less water.

Like, currently, I am not engaged in outdoor work, my goal is to drink around 2.5 to 3 liters of water daily.

Hydrate your body, nourish your soul.

Motivation part, A CHALLENGE : However, finding the motivation to stay consistent in my water-drinking habits posed a challenge until a friend came to the rescue.

She gifted me this beautiful water bottle which has a silicone body, a sipper, and convenient measurement markings.

This thoughtful gift proved to be a game-changer.

Investing in visually appealing water bottles or containers is a strategy that taps into the psychology of visibility – if something is visible, you’re more likely to stay committed to the associated task.

A visible reminder is the nudge your mind needs to turn aspirations into reality.

So, let’s not drown in numbers; let’s drink to a life where our bodies lead, our routines support, and a funky water bottle makes it all fun:).

Stay hydrated, stay vibrant!

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