How My BFF Tested My Patience.

Let’s take a deep breath together.

Vidhyadhari M
Be Open
4 min readJan 11, 2024


Photo by Elena Koycheva on Unsplash

I was snuggling into my pillow when I heard a sound and then another.



First, I thought it came from my neighbors’ home but then my bedroom door squeaked open and I jumped so quickly that I almost fell out of my bed.

In my haste, I picked up something randomly and faced the intruder and screamed, “I have a weapon!”

A woman was bent over, laughing and holding her stomach.
I can recognize that laugh anywhere.
It was my best friend’s, B.

After some time of rolling eyes — that would be me and after some time of heaving with laughter — that would be my BFF, she finally faced me with an amused expression. 
“How did you even think that Mr. Snuggles could be used as a weapon… and I thought you gave that thing to your little cousin years ago.”

That’s when I realized I was holding my plush toy kitten as a weapon that I may or may not use to cuddle to sleep at night.

Hiding it behind my back was useless now. So, I threw it on my bed and barged through the door, passing B and into my kitchen to grab some tea so I could fully wake up.

She followed me and pulled away the curtains in the living room adjoining the kitchen and that’s when I saw the time- 6am.

“What the…did you seriously break into my house at six am!?” 
“Oh hush honey. Didn’t you listen to that saying…the early bird gets the worm..
“Why are you gesturing with your hands like that and what’s with the accent?”
“Oh, it’s how the Italians do”
“But you are not Italian”
“Oh I know, it’s just fun and I saw an Italian film last night, so it stuck with me…
She shrugs
“.... and you gave me your spare key for emergencies, so stop seeing me like I’m an intruder.”
“I should steal her bag and get my key back..” I mutter low to myself.
“Say what now?”

I know anything I say to her now will just come back and bite me on my bottom.
I have to be patient.
So, I just shrugged and tried to divert my mind and focus on drinking my tea.
Suspiciously, B became silent too.

After my much needed time with my tea, I start by saying
“So, tell me B…what's with the intrusion this early in the morning.”

“I have an assignment to finish and the topic is patience, so I thought you could help me with some pointers.”

“You woke me up for that!?
Why do you keep your work until the last minute? And didn’t it occur to you when we were literally so bored last night that we counted the tiles in my kitchen.”

Making puppy eyes at me she said “Chowry V. I’ll djoo bwetter nyexxt tyme…pwesee hyelp mwee..” 
She was trying to be cute but it only made me feel cringe.
I took a deep breath-Patience-That’s what I need now.

She came and squeezed herself beside me on my small loveseat although the other seats were vacant.
“She is my best friend. I couldn’t snap at her. She needs my help. I’m a good friend..” I said to myself internally trying to cool down.

That’s when I realized I’ve been practicing patience with her all this time.
So, I thought I could give her those same techniques to help her out.

“Okay I’ll give you some pointers and you could work around them.” I said to her,
“Yep, sounds good. Hit me” she said, opening her notepad.

“Diverting your mind helps to find patience,
Practicing mindfulness,
Taking deep breaths,
Use calming self-talk”
I said one by one ticking each one off my hand.

“These are some pretty good ones V. Thanks! Now I’ve got proof that clearly shows you’ve got the patience of a saint” she said, smiling slightly and hugging me.

I didn’t get it. She must have sensed my questioning look. So she said, “Oh, it’s just a bet I made with my roommate, that you’re the most patient person I know. She needed proof, so she’s getting it. That’s it.”

“So, you barged inside my home this early to test my patience!? I thought you needed help in finishing your assignment!”

“Hey, what better time is there to test someone’s patience than in the early mere hours.
“And I’ve already finished my assignment yesterday. Your pointers are good too. I’ll include them and edit it out.” she winked and got up to go as if all this is so casual.

“You better be grateful that you are my best friend and I know how serious you take your bets so I’m letting you out on this.”

“Oh be grateful that you have me in your life to keep it interesting sweetie. Now go back to sleep. Toodles”
She let herself out, taking my key with her. Again!
Darn it!

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Vidhyadhari M
Be Open

Hi there! I hope my writings bring a smile to your face or plant a positive thought in your mind. Ooh and I also try to write poetry. Just saying.