How to Get Rid of Anger?‍

Victoria Taylor
Be Open
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2022

Anger is a normal and healthy emotion when it’s connected to something good: like protecting our values, morals, and principles. But when anger becomes disconnected from its positive intention, it can have damaging consequences on our minds and body.

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Here are some tips for how to get rid of anger in your life.


When we’re angry, we often breathe quickly, rapidly, and deeply. When we’re stressed, our nervous system is triggered and it leads to shallow breathing. When we’re breathing quickly, we’re not getting enough oxygen and it leads to an increase in irritability and aggression.

So learn to slow down your breathing and get more oxygen into your system. This will help calm the nervous system, which will help you keep cool. Try taking 10 slow and deep breaths every day. You can also place your hand on your stomach to help you slow down and give your system more oxygen.

Reflect on what’s making you angry

You can ask yourself why you’re frustrated and what you’re feeling. You can reflect on how you feel and why you feel that way. Once you’ve identified what is making you angry and how it makes you feel, you can let go of it and find some peace again.


When you feel anger bubbling up inside, it’s a sign that you need to get some exercise in. Anger is often fuelled by pent-up energy (or adrenalin) that needs to be released. Exercise is one of the best ways to release this pent-up energy. It helps to get your blood flowing, and it gives you a chance to release the energy you’re feeling through movement.

To help you get the most out of your workout, try to choose an activity that gets your blood flowing. When you feel your anger rising — go for a run, lift some weights, take a walk outside, or go for a bike ride to let whatever is making you angry out.


When you’re feeling angry and stressed, try to find some time to meditate. Anger often comes when we’re feeling stressed, out of control, and worried. Meditation is an excellent way to de-stress, gain some control and find some peace in a busy life.

There are many different types of meditation that you can incorporate into your life. Some examples are silence meditation, nature meditation, loving-kindness meditation, and breath mediation. In the Sensera app, you can find many useful meditations and exercises which will help you to deal with anger.

Talk to a friend/helper

When you’re angry, it can be easy to let your emotions build and spiral out of control. It’s essential to have someone you can talk to when you’re angry so that you don’t let your anger build up and come out in ways that you later regret.

If you have a friend or loved one that you can talk to when you’re angry, you’ll be less likely to let it build and come out in destructive ways. You don’t need to only talk about what is making you angry. You can also talk about what is making you happy, sad, or excited. You can just talk about whatever you want and benefit from the company, love, and support of a loved one.

Life can be a challenge at times and there will be plenty of times when we feel angry. The key is to learn how to manage those feelings of rage. And the good news is that it is possible to get rid of anger through the steps presented in this article.



Victoria Taylor
Be Open

I'm working to manage my low self-esteem and ongoing anxiety. Wanna assist others. My self-therapy app: