How I Lost 48 Million $ in 5 minutes

Dora’s Travesty of Justice-From riches to the truth

Robbi K Mark, Sr. Editor, Be Open
Be Open


I found this the other day and have since updated it. All names have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty. Some dates and places have been altered as well.

Wow, Donald Lucifer is a proud owner of a secret successful company. Dora didn’t even know there was such a company, let alone that Donald handed it over to the managing director for nothing because it was worth nothing, so he said.

Guess why?

Donald said that the company was losing thousands of dollars every pay period. But, we need to remember that the company was it worth nothing and was it really losing thousands of dollars every pay period? Dora thinks not because Donald’s share of the company turned out to be worth $48,000,000. Yes, you see it. $48,000,000-yes six zeros.

Why did Dora believe Donald that the company was losing money?

His public demeanor was affable, kind and considerate. His private demeanor was hostile, angry and immature. He spoke to Dora in Donald’s public demeanor voice with so-called credible witnesses present as they concurred that the company was worth less than zero. “That was a shifty move, Donald.” My mother always said…



Robbi K Mark, Sr. Editor, Be Open
Be Open

Retired Public Middle School Tch/write & learn/smells the roses/like to hike&travel w/my muse/Greek Travel writer gone eclectic/Creator-Dora’s Series