Abhishek Bhura
Be Open
Published in
1 min readMay 6, 2023


Can’t Say No / Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash

The urge to say no burns deep inside,
But I hold back and swallow my pride.
I don’t want to hurt the ones I love,
So I put myself last, push and shove.

I forget that the most important person is me,
I give all my space to others, can’t you see?
I put in the effort, I do my best,
But sometimes it seems it’s all a test.

Ungrateful, they take and take,
My heart aches, it’s about to break.
Why do I forget to love myself,
Why do I put my dreams on a shelf?

I need to remember that I am important too,
It’s time to focus on myself and follow through.
Saying no may cause temporary pain,
But it will help me in the long run, that’s plain.

So, I take a deep breath and find my voice,
I make my choice, it’s time to rejoice.
I’ll put myself first, I’ll stand my ground,
I won’t let others bring me down.

I’ll love myself, and that’s a start,
I’ll follow my dreams and trust my heart.
No more sacrificing for those who don’t care,
I’ll find my way, and I’ll get there.

~ Abhishek Bhura

